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reference material


New member
Are there any reference sources out there anywhere that explains the pros and cons of tracked vehicles(i.e. front verses rear drive, brakes/steering, etc. like a go to reference source for all questions regarding tracked vehicles). Reason I ask is I would like to possibly build something like a small personal vehicle similar to say an Arnold Ferret Tractor or something.

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
first tracks will go places where wheels won't. tracks require more maintenance and usually a lower top speed as they suck up horsepower. an all rubber track like a bv206 or tucker terra has an all surface capability rubber belted tracks seem to work reasonably well on all surfaces except rocks where you wear or break grousers. rear drive is generally more efficient than front drive, and will not wander so much when you use the geared differentials that slow one track to steer through brake bands. the snow trac uses an open differential with a cvt shivs and belt to vary the drive from left to right track this system is smooth and sucks off very little power for steering most cats use a clutch and brake system to steer where you de clutch and brake a track this system isn't ideal in soft terrain Thiokol for a few years used a power divider system to vary power from left to right track this was an aux gear box behind the transmission. the new hydromaatic models use 2 hydromatic motors and pumps to move like a bobcat. the longer your track the better the ride compare a bombi to a Thiokol sprite hope this helps answer some questions

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
some cool bt7 footage with Christi suspension there are a few members her that may understand the narratives but the footage of what the ruskies put this thing through is cool
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlUZzFUIKS4"]Легкий танк БТ 7 - YouTube[/ame]