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RC 601 Thiokol


Thought you guys would like to see a RC model Thiokol 601. It was built by a man in Florida after he seen the one I restored on YouTube. It is modeled off of a Kyosho Blizzard RC snow cat. I think he did a fantastic job:thumb:...It is also for sale!


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Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
Do you think he can make one like a Kristi that doesn't run I would love to buy Big Al a Christmas present.

MNoutdoors RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
He is proud of the backwards Thiokol 601 at 800.00
I'm sure it's a lot of work I think the blizzard running gear runs about 350 or so
And he has spares. But it is cute. I'd offer that much for Al's krusty but its not