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Prophetic words from "Mein Kampf"


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
Thinking about today's press conference :whistling:

"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation."

--- Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf

Floating around Al Gore's interwebs is a real photo of Hitler, surrounded by children, with his speech when he banned guns in Germany. Its pretty powerful, especially after the sideshow act we saw in Washington this morning. If someone can dig it up and post it in this thread it would be icing on top of the cake of crazy we heard today.
Nazi Weapons Act of 1938 (Translated to English)
  • Classified guns for "sporting purposes".
  • All citizens who wished to purchase firearms had to register with the Nazi officials and have a background check.
  • Presumed German citizens were hostile and thereby exempted Nazis from the gun control law.
  • Gave Nazis unrestricted power to decide what kinds of firearms could, or could not be owned by private persons.
  • The types of ammunition that were legal were subject to control by bureaucrats.
  • Juveniles under 18 years could not buy firearms and ammunition.
:yum: I right clicked to save that pic Luvs and the title of it make me laugh:

(pic below)


  • obama-surrounds-himself-with-children-to-push-L-kRplqk.png
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:yum: I right clicked to save that pic Luvs and the title of it make me laugh:

(pic below)

oh, doc. i think i see why u laughed @ the title.
Anybody think the youth corps. is not quietly training as we speak? Difference here is they have no clue how to survive in the woods and countryside or fight a battle. I may be old and in ill health but I still hit what I aim for and make one shot count. They might take over some big cities but they will be easily starved and thirsted out.
"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation."

--- Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf
This is so true, even today. The progressives - the liberals - retain a list of talking points that serve as preamble to most every legislative effort that they propose. Among them is the powerful talking point referred to by Hitler: the poor starving children.

How many times have we heard it? From the continuation of food stamps, to the growth of Medicaid and now for laws imposing gun control, it's always about the poor starving children. And what Republican could ever be caught voting against something that involves the poor starving children? Shame on any heartless Republican that doesn't support legislation that impacts the poor starving children. The PSC.

The PSC meme is right up there on the list of talking points that sway public opinion and condemn anyone that is against the proposed legislation, no matter that it might cost too much, infringe upon the rights of others or usurp the Constitution. Other Liberal talking points that always receive public support, whether or not founded in Constitutional Law, include the memes racism or intolerance.

If you disagree with any policy proposed by Barack Hussien Obama, you are labeled a racist, whether or not based in fact. If you are against any policy that unfairly benefits new, fashionable groups in the minority - such as same-sex marriage, gays in the military or the tender feelings of Muslims - you are condemned as being intolerant.

And the list goes on. And it is a successful ploy of the Liberal Elite in controlling the narrative of American legislation that erodes the rights of the majority. One cut at a time, the Progressives lead us down the road to mediocrity using the sympathy of liberal taking points.

Racism. Intolerance. And last but not least, the poor starving children.

.......................................Comparisons of Common Euphemisms


Arsenal of Weapons
Gun Collection
Delicate Wetlands
Undocumented Worker
Illegal Alien
Cruelty-Free Materials
Synthetic Fiber
Assault and Battery
Attitude Adjustment
Heavily Armed
Taxes or Your Fair Share
Coerced Theft
Commonsense Gun Control
Gun Confiscation Plot
Illegal Hazardous Explosives
Fireworks for Stump Removal
Non-viable Tissue Mass
Unborn Baby
Equal Access to Opportunity
Multicultural Community
High Crime Area
Fairness or Social Progress
Upper Class or "The Rich "
Progressive, Change
Big Government Scheme
Homeless or Disadvantaged
Bums or Welfare Leeches
Sniper Rifle
Scoped Deer Rifle
Investment For the Future
Higher Taxes
Healthcare Reform
Socialized Medicine
Extremist, Judgmental, or Hater
Home schoolers
Victim or Oppressed
Criminal or Lazy Good-For-Nothing
High Capacity Magazine
Standard Capacity Magazine
Religious Zealot
Reintroduced Wolves
Sheep and Elk Killers
Fair Trade Coffee
Overpriced Yuppie Coffee
Exploiters or "The Rich "
Employed or Land Owner
The Gun Lobby
NRA Members
Assault Weapon
Semi-Auto (Grandpa's M1 Carbine)
Fiscal Stimulus
New Taxes and Higher Taxes
Same Sex Marriage
Legalized Perversion
Mandated Eco-Friendly Lighting
Chinese Mercury-Laden Light Bulbs
Accepted Facts
Horse Shit

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Comparing pictures of Hitler with kids to President Obama is realy lame guys. Every politician does it.
And for the same reason,,,"It's for the children."

That said, a look, and comparison, at Hitler's history and use of gun control is fair. Universal gun registration was part of Hitler’s strategy to put the German people under his thumb. but such comparisons of teh laws doesn't automaticaly extend the same cloud ofevil from one of the men to the other.

Hitler did make it illegal for Jews to own or possess guns and ammo. He also made it illegal for them to own stabbing knives. One wonders how a Kosher butcher plied his trade. The German people were gun controlled by the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler just modified the law to suit his agenda. By incremental changes he armed his friends and disarmed his enemies. making the Jew's enemies of the State made that task easy to sell to the public.

Alex Sitz-Wald didn't like the Drudge Report's reaction to the President's speech claiming the new gun restriction were actually "Exceedingly Tame" and the conservatives response was typicaly "common of conservatives."
Many on the left now compare the NRA and conservatives to NAZI's. A ridiculous analogy but an effective one. In one statement, they makelegal gun owners into Enemies of the State.

Truth is, incremental tyranny is still tyranny. Tyranny by the inch leads to tyranny by the mile.

And a few miles can "fundimentaly Change America"
not lame, franc- it's reality. they prey on the young, politically oblivious non-jaded & sponge-like minds as early on as is feasible, yet look so very caring & kind. that they prey on so impressionable a mind as that of a kid is shameful. to appear invested & interested in the future of these kiddos is blatantly using them so as to gain favor.
fer shame!
nonsense b.s. .
not lame, franc- reality. they prey on the young, politically oblivious to look so very caring & kind. to appear invested & interested in the future of these kiddos.
nonsense b.s. .
You are stating the obvious. My issue is with the comparisons. Virtualy every president, since photography was invented, placed children in their photo ops, irregardless of party. To scold one for it you must scold them all. And to use it to villify any is "lame"

The pictures of Hitler and children have nothing to do with gun control. The pictures of Obama with kids this week do. So, in the context of this discussion, comparing Hitler with kids to Obama with kids is frankly dishonest.

I'm not defending Obama here, just saying it doesn't help the cause to be a rediculous, or dishonest, in our arguments as Schumer and Nadler are when trying to make a point. The actual facts make better arguments. I prefer to attack the disengenuois lies and distortions of the left.
franc. i'm busy having lunch & expecting company in a half hour. i'm preoccupied & not gonna bicker. 'kay~ u have those franc-thoughts/opinions, & i'll have my aubrey-thoughts/opinions.

1 thing- should google 'all-or-nothing thinking'.
franc. i'm busy having lunch & expecting company in a half hour. i'm preoccupied & not gonna bicker. 'kay~ u have those franc-thoughts/opinions, & i'll have my aubrey-thoughts/opinions.

1 thing- should google 'all-or-nothing thinking'.

I will if you will Google "moral equivalancy"
franc, if u get pleasure via being 'the better one', rock on. i'll buy u a medal. seriously, i've a life beyond jabs & empty bickering. i'm not googling anything at this time. (i was taught that term in the 7th grade, btw) i'm getting company, as i said, & learned moral in the 1st grade, when there was nada google.
u brought seperate politics into my & your discussion. not me. this thread is not the franc thread, nor the aubrey thread.
franc, if u get pleasure via being 'the better one', rock on. i'll buy u a medal. seriously, i've a life beyond jabs & empty bickering. i'm not googling anything at this time. (i was taught that term in the 7th grade, btw) i'm getting company, as i said, & learned moral in the 1st grade, when there was nada google.
u brought seperate politics into my & your discussion. not me. this thread is not the franc thread, nor the aubrey thread.

Luvs, this isn't a contest. It's a conversation.
Please, I'm so done with the flat rock thingy.

However, Just to be thoughtful I did it for you

Moral equivalence is a term used in political debate, usually to criticize any denial that a moral hierarchy can be assessed of two sides in a conflict, or in the actions or tactics of two sides. The term originates from a 1906 address by William James entitled The Moral Equivalent of War, subsequently published in essay form in 1910.[1]
The term has some limited currency in polemic debates about the Cold War, and more currently, the Arab-Israeli conflict. "Moral equivalence" began to be used as a polemic term-of-retort to "moral relativism", which had been gaining use as an indictment against political foreign policy that appeared to use only a situation-based application of widely-held ethical standards.
The purveyors of the device usually start by believing their side is morally superior. They use history, possibly selectively, to cast the situation as a big-picture struggle against an evil power. This evil could be totalitarianism or genocidal policies or some other ostentatious villainy. They then justify the atrocities of their own side by claiming it to be a lesser evil compared with allowing the evil power to have its own way. These atrocities in this way become acts of good, not evil.
International conflicts are sometimes viewed similarly, and interested parties periodically urge both sides to conduct a ceasefire and negotiate their differences. However these negotiations may prove difficult in that both parties in a conflict believe that they are morally superior to the other, and are unwilling to negotiate on basis of moral equivalence.

Back to the regularly scheduled program.
okay. um, thanx. as stated, tho, i was well aware of this by 7th grade. half by 5th grade, a tad by the time i was 6.
i appreciate that u used idle time to 'educate me', although my Parents provided me a solid private education to ensure i was well-prepared for my future & armed w/ jaded knowledge.
ain't a contest- not to me. i was merely typing my thoughts & i'm not in 100% agreement w/ u. plain & simple.
i have not so much as indicated, that i was anything, @ anytime, in the last paragraph u posted.

i'm human. a potty-mouthed, bird-flipping, sweetheart to friends, yet toughened 'lil bitch.

when this thread returns to the point, i'll post in the thread. until then, toodles~
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:yum: I right clicked to save that pic Luvs and the title of it make me laugh:

(pic below)

There is the "ghost" image of a sign in the middle of this picture. Can someone with better eyes than mine tell me what
that sign says? It almost looks like a No Hunting poster, but my glasses are too dirty to make it out. :ermm:

There is the "ghost" image of a sign in the middle of this picture. Can someone with better eyes than mine tell me what
that sign says? It almost looks like a No Hunting poster, but my glasses are too dirty to make it out. :ermm:

My eyes are not better for sure but I blew up the image ... maybe you can tell now.

1st pic is twice the size. 3rd and 4th pic is double that size again, but I had to spit it in half to be able to post it.


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