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Promise Kept: Obama Kills Coal ~ electric rates to increase


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
Anyone else remember the promise Obama made about jacking up our energy costs?

“If someone wants to build a new coal-fired power plant they can, but it will bankrupt them because they will be charged a huge sum for all the greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

-Candidate Barack Obama, 2008.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wzNUZVv0A0"]Obama to Bankrupt Coal Industry and Raise Energy Prices - YouTube[/ame]

Well he has officially kept his promise via the jackbooted thugs he has installed at the EPA. And who will it hurt . . . the very people who voted him into office that were hoping for handouts from his Obama-stash.

. . . Well, we can’t say we weren’t warned. This week, the unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats at the Environmental Protection Agency released a set of proposed rules designed to target greenhouse gas emissions. If enacted, these rules would virtually destroy the coal industry - just as President Obama once promised he would do.

Under the proposed rules, new power plants will be required to emit no more than 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt hour of electricity; coal plants average 1,768 pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt. As Jordan Weissmann writes for theAtlantic, “Natural gas plants already meet this requirement. But if a utility wants to burn coal for electricity, it will need to install carbon capture technology - and that’s really expensive.”

. . . assuming new coal plants are actually built under this regulatory regime, to whom do you think those new expenses will be passed on to? That’s right - energy consumers.

Rich people will be able to pay those extra costs, though they may gripe about it. But middle-class households will see a rise in their energy bills that will put them in even greater financial distress than they already are under in this abysmal “recovery.” Poor and working-class people will be especially hurt, of course, as is almost always the case when wealthy pencil-pushers hatch a brilliant plan to “save the planet.” Among the pencil-pushers is EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, who crowed: “Today we’re taking a common-sense step to reduce pollution in our air, protect the planet for our children, and move us into a new era of American energy.”

. . .
Atcurrent rates we have enough proven coal reserves here inthe USAt meetour needs for some 300 years.
I would suggest that is more than enough time for the Faculty Lounge Experts to prove their theories about sustainable alternative "green" energy sources and bring them successfuly to market.

Meanwhile, can we please keep the lights on?
Meanwhile, can we please keep the lights on?

We can, with Natural Gas and Nuclear.

There are even articles out there saying that closing the coal plants won't be any problem because we can build new plants using N.G. But those article seem to forget that it costs $$$$ to build those new plants.
Ha, ha. I don't think Barry is too worried about that.

You're right. If the lights go out there will be riots in the streets. If there are riots then he can impose emergency powers. If he imposes emergency powers then he can effectively centralize the government and eliminate states rights completely.
You're right. If the lights go out there will be riots in the streets. If there are riots then he can impose emergency powers. If he imposes emergency powers then he can effectively centralize the government and eliminate states rights completely.

What you said.

There's a small group of Americans right now who aren't wack jobs or ultra right wing militants. They still believe in the system to a degree and the power of the ballot box. They see Barry and his gang for what they are and for their agenda. It seems most of us are right here.
From the liberal left coast.

Link to story => http://www.ocregister.com/opinion/energy-347063-administration-plants.html


The Environmental Protection Agency is stepping up its war on coal-fired power plants, imposing first-ever limits on carbon emissions for new electric utility facilities. Ostensibly, this administrative over-reach is to fight pollution and reduce global warming.

Those claims are disingenuous. Carbon dioxide is a trace gas necessary for life, not a pollutant. Its emissions have scant, if any, relationship to global temperatures, which have been flat for a dozen years even as CO2 levels dramatically increased.

What the EPA diktat is certain to accomplish, however, is dramatic increases in electricity prices and the devastation of coal-generated power industry, which provides almost half of U.S. electricity for industry and consumers.

"It is hard to believe that the Obama EPA is announcing a massive energy tax today on American families at a time when they are already reeling from skyrocketing gas prices," said Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., who vowed to oppose the rules in Congress.

The administration's decision makes it all but impossible to build new coal-fired power plants. New plants would have to be fitted with carbon-capture technology that doesn't exist. The rules also limit CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions to slightly more than half of what coal plants typically emit now.

Some environmentalists were disappointed the government didn't apply the regulation to existing plants. But even administration zealots must realize that would have destroyed the energy industry. The government says coal generated 42 percent of U.S. kilowatt hours in 2011.

One result of the arbitrary edict, intended or not, is likely to be a boon for natural gas-generated electricity, although it is more likely the administration hopes to spur its preferred alternative energy sources, solar and wind.

The administration's energy policy is uncomfortably similar to its health care policy. As with the Obamacare mandates and regulations under review by the Supreme Court, the EPA seeks to impose industrywide changes to achieve questionable political ends to the detriment of the public.

Although Energy Secretary Steven Chu recently backed off his 2008 comments that "somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe," to force Americans to switch to alternative energy, it's clear the administration continues to pursue its costly top-down transformation of America. Perhaps Congress can reverse this harmful trend. If not, perhaps voters can in November.
And now one of the more powerful unions is speaking up about the death of coal . . . and while it apparently won't oppose Obama, it may not endorse him and his policies either. WTF? There are several GOP candidates who endorse coal power and there is Obama who hates coal and still the union leadership is turning its back on those that support the use of coal?

I have to wonder if the union workers will see the idiocy of their leaders :hammer:

FULL STORY => http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2...try-could-suffer-same-fate-as-osama-bin-laden
Mine union boss:
Coal industry could suffer same fate as bin Laden

By Andrew Restuccia - 04/04/12 11:37 AM ET

The coal industry will suffer the same fate as Osama bin Laden under new climate regulations proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency, the head of the United Mine Workers of America said this week.

“The Navy SEALs shot Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan and Lisa Jackson shot us in Washington,” Cecil Roberts, president of the powerful union, said during an interview Tuesday on the West Virginia radio show MetroNews Talkline.

Roberts blasted Jackson, the EPA administrator, over the proposed regulations, which would limit greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants. Opponents of the regulations, including Roberts, say the new rules would be the death knell of the coal industry.

New coal-fired power plants would have to install technology to capture carbon dioxide emissions in order to comply with the rules. The technology, known as carbon capture and storage (CCS), “is not commercially available,” Roberts said.

“This rule is an all-out, in my opinion, decision by the EPA that we’re never going to have another coal-fired facility in the United States that’s constructed,” Roberts said. . . .
Obama will pacify his union dimbulbs the same way he did the UAW in exchange for votes. The mines will effectively get taken over by the gubmit, and Obama will give a huge stake to the unions like he did the autoworkers, so they can profit from the remaining coal supplied to the existing plants. Or at least that looks like the path they will travel heading to November to maintain UMW support. This bunch is starting to make the Mafia look like Cub Scouts. I'm just waiting for the bodies to start showing up like they did under Slick Willey. Mysterious deaths are just an investigation away. JMHO
I have to wonder if the union workers will see the idiocy of their leaders :hammer:

Why not? Mine did. My union, IBEW Local 300 among others, refused to endorse the Dem for governor here last election because of his stated goal of wanting the local nuke plant Vermont Yankee shut down, thereby eliminating 600 high paying jobs and 640MW of reliable cheap base load power. We supported the Republican candidate for Gov & Lt. Gov. I would have anyway. All this much to the chagrin of the fat cat worthless do nothings at the International in DC.

It is only common sense that forward thinking local unions that want to be relevant and want to bring something to the table like ours does support Republican candidates as well as Democrats. Our business Manager called the Democratic Candidate for Governor a Bald Faced liar and Kool-Aid gulper to his face in a heated and testy discussion. He still won the election and he is still a douche bag.

The Dems have offered the working man in this country nothing. All smoke and mirrors.

The Dems point to our 5.9% unemployment rate which is among the lowest in the country that their policies are working but in reality I give credit to the previous Republican governor of 8 years for trying to create a more business friendly environment. Opportunity to work or welfare entitlements? What say you?
Your union dues at work. Feel cheated?

I no longer have to pay dues because I've retired and am drawing on my pensions. Trust me, I was never happy about some of the things I know they did with my money. However, without a paid dues ticket the steward would not let me get in the line truck in the morning. I did what I had to do, for 37 years. :glare: