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PRIDE Parade stopped by Pro-Hamas Protestors in Philly


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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The city of brotherly love is also the scene of the first major skirmish between a US Pride Parade and pro-Palestine protests as the HAMAS aligned protestors refused to allow the PRIDE parade to continue.

Let Them Fight: Free Palestine Protestors Block Philly Pride Event (WATCH)

There's nothing quite as amusing as watching leftist intersectionality turn on itself.
That's what seems to have happened in Philadelphia today, as marchers from the free Palestine crowd blocked the progress of the Philly Pride Parade.
Take a look:
We don't want to say we love to see it, but...we kind of love to see it. As a general rule, we don't pay much attention to Pride marches (corporate pandering during June of each year is a whole different story). It's quite funny, though, that two of the most vocal factions in the inclusivity movement have found themselves at odds.
They sure are, and we're here for it.
It WAS bound to happen. There's just simply no way that a movement divided into so many different, highly specific causes doesn't wind up eating its own tail.
The oppression Olympics standoff...perfect!
Intersectional showdown works, too. We'd like to think that at some point enough people will realize how ridiculous this all is, but we're not holding our breath.
If anyone needs us, we'll be over here popping the corn.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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And from the folks at DAILY CALLER:

Pride Marchers Face Off With Pro-Palestine Protesters After They Block Parade Route

Hailey GomezJune 02, 2024 5:43 PM ET
2016 Gay Pride Parade Marches Through Philadelphia
Image not from story (Photo by Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images)
Pride parade marchers in Philadelphia Sunday were seen facing off with a group of pro-Palestine protesters after they blocked the parade route from moving forward, video shows.
Video posted to X (formerly known as Twitter) shows the chaotic moments between the two groups as a marching band in the parade attempted to move forward, however, they were blocked off by protesters. In one clip, a drum line with band members adorned in pride attire could be seen continuing to drum while appearing confused as they were withheld from continuing on the parade. (RELATED: Shocking Videos Show Pro-Palestine Activists Storm, Occupy Museum)
What appears to be the drum line conductor could be visibly frustrated with a large man in a black leather vest as he held out his arm in response. As the camera pans around the group the protesters could be heard shouting “Palestine will live forever!” while some held up a large sign that read “No Pride In Genocide.”
Another clip shows that police eventually got involved, with officials attempting to move protesters while they shouted “PPD, KKK, IRS, you’re all the same.” Pride marchers could be seen appearing confused as to where to go as the route continued to be blocked off.
The protest against the pride march was reportedly organized by Queers4Palestine, a group that has been known to organize protests in support of Palestine since the Oct. 7 terrorist attack against Israel. A statement released on Instagram, appearing to be affiliated with the group, by Queers4palphl wrote about the reasoning behind protesting pride, writing that “‘Pride’ cannot be separated” from the current “political and economic climate.”
“Queers 4 Palestine PHL calls on all Queer & Trans people to denounce Capitalism, Colonialism, and Empire as anti-queer and organize to bring about an end to the Zionist occupation and to all systems and entities which enable and normalize genocide,” the statement read.
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Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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And yet another take on the "throw them off the rooftops/Queers for Palestine" standoff in Philly.

"Oppression Olympics": 'Queers For Palestine' Protestors Interrupt, Clash With Pride Parade In Streets Of Philadelphia

What does it look like when the woke snake starts eating its own tail? This weekend in Philadelphia may have offered up a glimpse..
Pro-Palestine protestors clashed with a Pride Parade in the city's "Gayborhood" area on Sunday. And to think, it's only 3 days into "Pride Month".
In a video shared online, Pride participants in leather and lace were stopped by pro-Palestinian LGBTQ+ members, some wearing keffiyehs, who disrupted the parade to confront fellow community members, as the Daily Mail detailed.
The protest, led by Queers4Palestine, highlighted the perceived parallels between Palestinian oppression and historical prejudice against LGBTQ+ people.

VIDEO AT X link:

During the disrupted Philadelphia parade, they chanted "The more you try to silence us, the louder we will be!" along with "From the River to the Sea."
The Daily Mail added that one protest leader, dressed in a crop top, cargo pants, and a keffiyeh, declared that Pride has become a tool of public relations, inseparable from the political and economic context.
Critics often question the support LGBTQ+ protesters show for a culture that largely opposes their lifestyle, noting that in places like Gaza, LGBTQ+ activities and relationships remain criminalized.
This has sparked debates about the rationale behind LGBTQ+ support for the Palestinian cause, especially when it seems to divide the community.
'You should march in Gaza,' one X user wrote in response to the protest. Conservative commentator Clay Travis added: "Pro Palestine protesters blocking the Philly pride parade from continuing is a perfect distillation of left wing politics. This is where it inevitably ends: with two left wing interest groups colliding in an oppression Olympics standoff."
Disheartened by the protesting chaos? Don't be. "Even though it feels like there’s nothing to look forward to, I will say this," Zero Hedge contributor Quoth the Raven wrote last week.
"There will be no crueler or more deserved irony than the day that today’s self-absorbed, traffic-blocking, soup-throwing activists realize they’re not revolutionaries — but rather the same authoritarian, censorship-wielding, group-thinking, malleable automatons they once thought they were fighting against."


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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The useful idiots these queers for Palestine.

Young woman wearing pride colors, is interviewed by a gay man dressed in drag.
Gay man in drag explains to the young lady that it is illegal to be gay in Palestine. But the young lady supports Palestine over Israel. Then the gay man in drag explains that Israel allows gays/gay pride. Then the ignorant young lady says that Israel is Islamic and the guy again has to correct her.

1 minute of your life worth watching simply because these queers for Palestine are dumber than you can actually comprehend.

Video at link:

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Bottoms Up
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A bunch of followers who do not know what or who they are really protesting for.
One would think the organizers of this Gays for Palestine protest would at least be aware of the Islamic laws. Duh