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Presbyterian Church supports killing babies born alive in botched abortions?!?


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
WOW, what the hell is wrong with these people :hammer:
The nation’s largest Presbyterian denomination has been busy these days. It has voted to approve same-sex marriages, to endorse divestment as a protest against Israeli policies toward Palestinians, and now has approved allowing babies to die who are born alive during botched abortions.

As Wesley J. Smith at National Review Online observes, the motion that failed to win approval states:
1. Call for the Presbyterian Mission Agency and member congregations to enter a two-year season of reflection upon the plight of children unwanted by human society, both born and not-yet born, and to purposefully seek to enter the pure worship of God by offering aid, comfort, and the Gospel to those responsible for the care of our most desperate orphans (including those who survive abortion procedures): parents, siblings, church and community leaders, and the medical profession.

2. Direct the Moderator of the General Assembly and the Stated Clerk to issue statements that denounce the practice of killing babies born live following an abortion procedure, such as was revealed in the Dr. Kermit Gosnell clinic in Philadelphia.​
“…t is breathtaking that the Church wouldn’t even agree to ‘reflect’ on protecting the lives of born babies and denounce Kermit Gosnell-style murders," Smith notes. “This is akin to refusing to oppose the terminal neglect of unwanted infants, even infanticide.”

Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell was convicted last year of murdering babies who were born alive during botched abortions.



The Presbyterian Church is a leftist organization. My wife is a member but I refuse to officially join. I attend but otherwise won't support the national organization - only stuff that goes directly to the local church.
ANYTHING for money.
Everybody has a price.
These folks are prostitutes to the leftists.