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Prayers for my sister Please.


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
My younger sister is in the battle of her life. She was in ER last week. They found a mass on her liver, something was causing a blockage. The next day they did surgery going down through her throat and put a stent in her liver so the mass could dissipate. Enlarged lymph nodes (two) which they biopsied but the doctor said they do not appear to be cancerous. More accurately he said he'd be surprised if they were cancerous. .

This past Tuesday she was back to the ER. Feeling horrible and turning yellow. Yellow Jaundice. Her liver was bleeding. They checked the stent and it was in place as it should be. Further testing has shown she has pancreatic cancer. Sadly, often, this type of cancer has no symptoms until it spreads to other organs. Hers has spread to her liver. Just found this out yesterday. And that is the extent of what I know at this time.

What I do know is she could use lots of prayers. She is tough, she can beat this with the help of God and a lot of prayers.
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Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
My younger sister is in the battle of her life. She was in ER last week. They found a mass on her liver, something was causing a blockage. The next day they did surgery going down through her throat and put a stent in her liver so the mass could dissipate. Enlarged lymph nodes (two) which they biopsied but the doctor said they do not appear to be cancerous. More accurately he said he'd be surprised if they were cancerous. .

This past Tuesday she was back to the ER. Feeling horrible and turning yellow. Yellow Jaundice. Her liver was bleeding. They checked the stent and it was in place as it should be. Further testing has shown she has pancreatic cancer. Sadly, often, this type of cancer has no symptoms until it spreads to other organs. Hers has spread to her liver. Just found this out yesterday. And that is the extent of what I know at this time.

What I do know is she could use lots of prayers. She is tough, she can beat this with the help of God and a lot of prayers.
Prayers from the left coast for your sister and your family in these though times.


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Thanks all. Greatly appreciated. Sadly, today they told Stephanie she has a blood clot in her heart chamber. They think it is due to stress and it will go away. They are leery of using blood thinners because she is a bleeder.
Her oncologist needs another biopsy before deciding on what's next. That is scheduled for Monday. She she has to wait all weekend which sucks. Weekends in the hospital are the worst. Nothing gets done. I understand doctors need time off but so frustrating in this situation.


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Update on my sister.
Things have kept going downhill. She has had such a rough road to haul. She was released from the hospital before Christmas but ended up back in right after Christmas as the stent was blocked.
Released again then after the beginning of this year she was once again admitted. Abdominal pain. Stent was in place but they found cancer in multiple places in her abdomen. Plus she had an infection so they could not start chemo.
Monday they got results that the infection might be gone, to verify they were stopping the anti biotics.
Her abdominal pain was extreme. Pain meds caused her BP to drop and they were worried she was going to crash.
Family meeting and she decided not to fight the inevitable. She is on pain meds and being kept comfortable but that is it. She is fading fast. So sad.
More prayers for her peaceful passing would be appreciated.


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
Update on my sister.
Things have kept going downhill. She has had such a rough road to haul. She was released from the hospital before Christmas but ended up back in right after Christmas as the stent was blocked.
Released again then after the beginning of this year she was once again admitted. Abdominal pain. Stent was in place but they found cancer in multiple places in her abdomen. Plus she had an infection so they could not start chemo.
Monday they got results that the infection might be gone, to verify they were stopping the anti biotics.
Her abdominal pain was extreme. Pain meds caused her BP to drop and they were worried she was going to crash.
Family meeting and she decided not to fight the inevitable. She is on pain meds and being kept comfortable but that is it. She is fading fast. So sad.
More prayers for her peaceful passing would be appreciated.
Oh Doc, I'm sorry to hear this.
God bless her and may she go gently.
I believe she will.


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Doc I'm sorry to hear this you all are in my thoughts.
We went through with my Father he said he had enough after a year of chemo and found more cancer I hope I have the balls he did when my my time is up.


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
I am so sorry to hear this… cherish every moment, and take some small comfort in knowing that she will cease being in pain.

What is she like? Does she have kids? What does she do for a career?


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
Sorry your family is going through this. Cancer sucks. I watched both my grandparents pass from lung cancer. And right now, my friend from camp is in the same boat as your sister. He's been in the hospital since the beginning of December. I pray for strength for everyone involved. 🙏


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Thank you all!!!!!
Stephanie passed yesterday at 2:22pm surrounded by her husband, 3 children, a granddaughter, her twin brother, two sisters in law and me. We were able to visit with her a couple hours before she passed. Her eyes were shut and she had no facial expressions at all. Rough breathing.
Then right as she passed a small smile came on her face. As if my parents and brother were welcoming her home.

Here is a pic of her with her youngest daughter.
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