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Prayers for family pet

Sir Knight

New member
Our family dog was hospitalized last night. He had been throwing up for several days and not able to keep any food down. Upon running some tests, they found some "weird" type of "growth" all over his stomach. They're running further tests to determine what it is. Whether it's cancer (in which case, it's unlikely he'll be coming home) or if it's some kind of fungus or something which they might be able to treat.

To those that are inclined to do so, I would ask for your prayers for our family pet.
Sir Knight, please keep us updated. On another forum I saw where a dog had similar symptoms and at first the vet could not figure out what it was. Turned out he'd eaten a rope. :eek: They were able to save him. :thumb:
You and yours will be in my prayers. Best wishes.
I just saw this thread. Not sure how I missed it, but as a multiple dog owner and dog lover, I'll be keeping yours in my thoughts. Hopefully it will be some sort of fungus/infection type thing that they can treat and get your dog back home to you soon!
Yup. Been there, done that with a 9 year old Ridgeback. She had some nasty cancer of the spleen and was already 9 years old, so the prognosis wasn't good. They took out the tumor (along with her spleen) and she eventually recovered. She lived another 5 healthy, happy years after that. Man, I'm glad we opted to have the surgery done. Rage of Angels was one of the sweetest doggies I've ever seen.

Just wanted to give you a story with a happy ending. Hope your pup's situation works out too.
Prayers are with you Sir Knight. Mine just went in today for his latest 3 month check-up. We''l know his blood test results tomorrow. He's been through hell in the last 2 years. So far he's been able to introduce a new emergency hospital intern to a fatal disease, which did not turn fatal, as of yet. He's had one of the countries best Internal Medicine vets scratch her head, repeatedly. He's stumped one of the worlds best vet dermatologist from Australia, now in the US. He's had the whole University teaching hospital shrug their shoulders.

SO when things look bad, sometimes they will turn around with no explanation, but still, prayers are with you.
My prayers are with you and your pet. We just had to put our 15+yo Brittany Buster down the end of October due to his age and rapidly failing health. His quality of life was just not what it had been just a year ago and it was time. Hard thing to have to do to say the least but at least his pain is gone now and he can chase the rabbits and squirrels and birds now in doggie heaven.

Best wishes,

Sir Knight
I'm late in responding to Your thread. But , You and Your friend are in My thoughts and prayers . Here's hoping that things will turn out fine .
All the best , John