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Porter Goss resigns CIA


New member
The CIA needs a good sweeping out.

Just like FEMA, the IRS, the FBI, the NEA and many other government bureaucracies.

Political correctness, tenure and civil service are out of control.

Maybe Donald Trump should be considered for the job.

Trump may not know the job, but Trump knows how to say, "You're Fired".
Unfortunately I believe that this is what Porter Goss was doing. (He was an ex-Army Intelligence Officer, you know.) I think the left-over clintonistas that permeate the CIA, FBI, FEMA, ATF, etc. got to him.

Remember Jamie Gerelic, the "hero" of the 911 commission? (The one who should be on trial for treason.) She is part of the crowd who I refer to as a clintonista. They are Clinton appointees who are still in bureaucratic positions of power, who continue to erode the national security of the United States. For what reason, God only knows. Sick power hungry leftists.

But, I could be wrong. What do I know... :1062:
Personally, I don't care for some of Bush's appointments either. Washington is filling up with incompetence at a faster rate than those that leave. We need some new leadership that knows how to lead, and knows how to save the budget, rather than spend us into bankruptcy.......
Junkman said:
Personally, I don't care for some of Bush's appointments either. Washington is filling up with incompetence at a faster rate than those that leave. We need some new leadership that knows how to lead, and knows how to save the budget, rather than spend us into bankruptcy.......
Even though I wasn't impressed with him, I voted for Bush in 2000 & 2004.

If I knew then what I know now ........... I'd vote the same way again.

What other choice did I have? Gore? Kerry? Both are frightening.

America better find quality candidates who can LEAD.

Washington is infested with special interests. Some bureaucrats need to be flat out fired. No transfers, no reassignments, FIRED or jailed.

If a leader gets the bureaucrats who remain by the balls (and starts squeezing), their hearts and minds will follow.
Av8r3400 said:
Unfortunately I believe that this is what Porter Goss was doing. (He was an ex-Army Intelligence Officer, you know.) I think the left-over clintonistas that permeate the CIA, FBI, FEMA, ATF, etc. got to him.

Remember Jamie Gerelic, the "hero" of the 911 commission? (The one who should be on trial for treason.) She is part of the crowd who I refer to as a clintonista. They are Clinton appointees who are still in bureaucratic positions of power, who continue to erode the national security of the United States. For what reason, God only knows. Sick power hungry leftists.

But, I could be wrong. What do I know... :1062:

Clinton's gang was loathsome and disgusting................ But how much longer can we blame Clinton?

Suppose you bought a business that Clinton owned. How long could you blame failure on the leftover clintonistas? 3 months? 6 months? Surely not 6 years.

You're the boss now................... FIRE them.
The media would eat him alive if he did that.

But, he doesn't have to run for anything any more, so, yeah, why not??

Lack of cahones, that's why. He's been neutered, like the rest of the males in government. Nothing there, nothing at all.

(See also why hasn't that black congresswoman who hit the cop been indited, yet? - Same reason little Kennedy :drink:didn't - lack of cahones. )

Seriously tough, there are so many clintonistas in the federal government you couldn't get rid of them all. They are so far buried in the endless beurocracy it would be impossible.
If you ask me, which no one has done so yet, Bush is the puppet and the real power lies with our Vice President....... or should I say the President of all vices..... Prick, I mean Dick Chaney. :whistle: :whistle:
Av8r3400 said:
Seriously tough, there are so many clintonistas in the federal government you couldn't get rid of them all. They are so far buried in the endless beurocracy it would be impossible.

It's been done before................. Nacht der langen Messer?