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Porta-John Pranks


New member
Don't know if it's ever been done here but I've seen some good ones. Anyone have any to share. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuTmPXWifjE"]YouTube - Funny Bathroom Prank[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zc8VSo03T_c"]YouTube - japan porta-potty prank[/ame]
When I was a young lad ,working on a new High Rise Hotel that was under construction , we had a union carpenter that as soon as the lunch hour was over , would head for the porta potty with a newspaper tucked under his arm and show up for work about 30 minutes later .He did this every day . The Boss was getting more pissed every day by his actions .
The Porta potty was bolted to a pallet . One day as the guy pulled the same stunt again , my boss hopped on the Petti Bone , which is a super hi lift all terain fork lift . He slide the forks threw the pallet and up against the door so the guy could not get out . Then he raised it 35 feet straight up in the air and left him there for the next hour while the carpenter inside screamed his bloody head off . After an hour he lower it down and let the guy out . The guy wanted to fight and that was a big mistake on his part as Ed could have ripped the guy apart without hardly trying . Ed explained to him that from now on he was to crap on his own time ,not the companies and to read his newspaper on his own time too . The fella lasted 2 more days before he ended up getting fired for slacking off .
slack off working for me, I dont care if you are union or not, your gone..........and you will get more than a warning 35 feet in the air............(this is freaking hilarious).