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POLL: Valentines Day : do you buy your spouse a gift?

Valentines day - what do you do?

  • Send Flowers or gift.

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • Just a card.

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • Nothing

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Dinner, gift, card and then get lucky!

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • Dinner, gift, card and go to bed frustrated anyway.

    Votes: 5 15.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
Just curious here, but what do you guys (and gals) do on Valentine's Day?

I'm taking my wife and daughter to a nice restaurant, but am not planning on getting them any gifts. . . and I'm feeling some internal pressure to cave in and buy them something. Oh I'll get them both cards. But I really feel obligated (probably from Hallmark and DeBeers advertisements) to buy them gifts.

What are you doing? Do you feel obligated to buy something? :showerSex


Well-known member
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Nope. We don't buy each other stuff. Usually, if we really want something, we talk about it and get it. One benefit is not spending money on useless stuff, allowing us to get nice stuff.


New member
What do you mean spouse?!!!!!!!!!!! What about us guys that don't have a spouse? Should have said spouse or companion.


New member
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My wife and I just buy each other small (under $20) gifts for Valentines Day. We try to pay attention to what the other person is looking at or hinting around about and get something usefull. No candy or flowers. I'm sure she will get me a card as she usually does, but I'm just not a big one on giving cards. I guess I better have a card ready for backup in case she looks disappointed when I give her a gift without a card.



Country Club Member
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I know what side my bread is buttered on!!! Besides, she's worth all that and more....:)


Unemployed Veg. Peddler
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It varies from year to year, more in the earlier years, usually dinner and flowers. This year we are not doing anything, saving up for when the kids come down to visit. Not even a card, she does not want it.


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
It would definitely be noticed big time if I missed the day. Her birthday is the day after Valentines day. I actually proposed to her at midnight between those two days. I started my proposal on Valentines Day and ended on her birthday. Hmm, at least that year I got off with only buying one gift. :thumb:

Gees, I just thought of it; this year marks the 20th year since that day. I suppose I ought to make note of that somewhere in the card and buy her a nicer gift. I'm thinking that a mini George Foreman grill won't cut it. :eek:


SUPER Site Supporter
We usually ask each other if there's anything the other [or both] wants/needs. Ussually come up with "no". Of course, if we happen to be in town within a week of any occasion; the we'll ussually celebrate with dinner, movie or both.

On the other hand, the Smilie in Bob's post cuts right to the point anyway!:D


Extra Super Moderator
What is Valentines Day???????? Oh ..... I forgot.... that is the day that you shoot all your enemies..... :whistle:


Bronze Member
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My wife and I don't exchange gifts... Christmas, birthday, valentines... none. BUT, if I know of something she wants or needs anytime I do my best to get it, and she generally does the same. We were at M.D.Anderson Cancer Center in Houston last week for her appointments and I found an iris blooming while walking around admiring their landscaping; carried it in to her and it was better than a box of candy.


Charter Member
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My wife wants a donation made to the animal shelter in her name.........done deal. Well that and dinner out, might even get my choice, Texas Roadhouse or her favorite, Texas Roadhouse.


Gone But Not Forgotten
One of my suppliers brings in a box of candy every year and I pass that on to my wife. This has worked great as it is an expensive box of candy. But this year the supplier brought the candy in while my wife was at the shop??:confused::pray:

So I have some explaining to do.



Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
No gift, dinner, etc here

My wife and I make sure we know all year how much we love each other. The gift thing is just material. We do the same at Sweetest Day.


Master of Distraction
Staff member
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You guys are weak. Am I the only one who's gettin' some on Valentines Day?

I've got to hang out with a more lively crowd. You guys are scaring me.


Extra Super Moderator
ddrane2115 said:
My wife wants a donation made to the animal shelter in her name.........done deal.

I tried to donate my wife to the animal shelter, but they said that they don't take old bitches... :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum:


Charter Member
SUPER Site Supporter
I have a feeling that your wife would give you up to where the old horses ASSES go, but they wont take you!:yum: :eek: :yum: :wave: If the Ms's ever reads this, you will be in the :toilet: for sure Junkman.


Gone But Not Forgotten
PBinWA said:
You guys are weak. Am I the only one who's gettin' some on Valentines Day?

I've got to hang out with a more lively crowd. You guys are scaring me.

Actually guys I don't need Valentines day to get some. My wife and I have been married now over 25 years and I still get lucky at least 4 times a week.:thumb: And yes it is with the same girl, my wife.



New member
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Took the wife out for dinner tonight since I'll be away through the week. I ordered flowers to be sent to her at work Valentine's Day. She enjoys that kinda crap!


SUPER Site Supporter
thcri said:
One would think your jealous??:yum::D

I wasn't, but come to think of it this week hasn't been up to standards in that department. Some weird flu or cold got the best of her, and "come to the bedroom I'm hot" has a completely different meaning.:(

That just means next week we'll have to play catch up!:D


GOLD Site Supporter
Can't say that I've always shown my appreciation for my wife. But this Year I sent Her a
Valentine from Vermont Teddy Bears . ( this isn't an advert. for them ) But they have a great selection of gifts,and You get to send a card in Your own words to a loved one .
As to getting "lucky " ..... I'll skip comment on that ,as my daughter is a member here !!!


Super Moderator
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On 2/13 I ask Mrs. Zoom to pull out her favorite Valentine's card (as she saves all the cards I've given her) so I can give it to her the next day. We do the same for other holidays.
Although that does happen, I do give her cards every year (as well as cards from each of the kids).


Floppy Member
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My wife lost a necklace with a silver cross that her Aunt had bought in Mexico in the 60's and had it blessed by a priest. She was bummin' big time...till she opened her gift this morning! I know it won't replace her Aunt's gift, but oh what a smile it put on her face. :a1:


Unemployed Veg. Peddler
SUPER Site Supporter
Call me a hopeless romatic, but at the last minute decided to go all out this year, a dollar, fifty bag of chocolate from wally world and then to lunch at the chineese buffet down the road being lunch is about half the price of the supper buffet.