BODYSEDANThe 743 is the most widely photographed Tucker, largely because of it's habit of falling into crevasses whilst crossing the Antartic. (photo top left copyright Commonwealth Trans Antarctic Expedition, 1959)I also have some video of a 743 in use on the DEW line (Distant Early Warning Line) exercises, and Uncle Sam did experiment with military cargo bodies and convetional tracked bogies on the 700 series to produce the 'Carrier, Quadri-tracked, T78"' but I expect that the extra weight of all that hardware, directly against Tucker's original lightweight construction philosophy, killed any advantages over conventional tracked carriers.
Once again the running gear is mostly Dodge / Chrysler with a V8 instead of the flathead six this time. Normal transmission was an automatic, but the Trans Antarctic Expedition fitted five speed manual boxes with a useful extra low crawler gear which proved handy for crevass recovery.