I went with "maybe" also. I could easily be in favor of anti-drug laws because I come from the pre-drug generation and it certainly wouldn't affect me, one way or the other.
However. Bill Buckley makes a compelling argument that (1) we will never win the drug war; (2) we are filling our prisons and breaking the bank in our efforts; (3) often the primary appeal for certain drugs is the fact that they are illegal; (4) some drugs are not as harmful as others; (5) the profits flow to criminal and terrorist activities and it's impossible to stop these profits as long as it's illegal; (6) Better the profits flow, like tobacco and alcohol (also killers), to government in the form of taxes. The net change of cash flow, both from taxes and reduced jail expenses, would be enough to put every addict into a Beverly Hills mansion with a private therapist. Well, almost -- you get the idea.
Now, since it's Bill Buckly who makes those arguments most compellingly, I would bet this is a primary conservative issue -- but I bet the test scores it as Liberal, for the wrong reasons.