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Police Officer Arrests Firefighter At Accident Scene In California


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
How do we explain the arrest of a firefighter by a police officer at the scene of an accident — after an argument over where a fire truck should park? The authorities are still discussing the incident, which took place Tuesday night on California's I-805, where a car had rolled over at the center road barrier.

As San Diego's CBS 8 TV reports, an argument broke out between a California Highway Patrol officer and a firefighter from Chula Vista, as they clashed over where the Chula Vista crew's fire engine should be stationed. Firefighters had placed their vehicle along the center road divider, close to where a car had flipped over, and behind an ambulance. Emergency personnel tended to the car's two occupants as the conflict went on around them.

CBS 8's cameras captured the incident, which ended with the firefighter being handcuffed and placed in the back of a police cruiser.

The firefighter, Jacob Gregoire, 36, was held in the police car for about 30 minutes before being released, CBS 8 says. The station posted video showing Gregoire talking to the news crew to be sure they knew what was taking place.

"Hey, I just want to let you know, he's arresting me for not moving the fire truck," Gregoire can be heard yelling.

And with that, he was handcuffed. Despite the unusual situation and the disagreement it followed, the firefighter and police officer aren't seen exhibiting much aggression toward one another in the video, which shows them talking as Gregoire is led away.

The fire department's chief tells CBS 8 that while the CHP would have jurisdiction over a scene on the interstate, it wasn't yet clear whether the police had claimed control when the dispute escalated. The fire truck was reportedly the first to arrive at the scene.

Members of the CHP and the Chula Vista fire department held a meeting Wednesday to discuss the conflict. A statement released by Fire Chief Dave Hanneman praises the fire department's members for not escalating the tension:

"In an emergency, the Chula Vista Fire Department is responsible for the safety and care of the injured victims and for the safety of the crew. Our goal at an emergency is to secure the scene and begin emergency care and transport victims to the hospital as soon as possible. Last night, there were two injured passengers our crew needed to reach and treat in a rollover vehicle accident on Interstate 805. One of our firefighters on the scene was detained by the California Highway Patrol. I am very proud of how Engineer Jacob Gregoire and the other firefighters on the scene handled the situation. While we work very well together with the CHP 99% of the time, we need to find out what happened last night and how we can improve training and communication to prevent something like this from happening in the future."



Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
In most states, even the lowest ranking firefighter has authority over any other agency, including the police, at the scene.

I experience this very thing in Bolingbrook Illinois and won the argument when Chief Drogan appeared.
I also dealt with it in St. Peters Mo where, as a volunteer, I arrived at the scene and began to open the hydrant in preparation for the arriving Pumper Firetruck. Standard practice. The officer and I almost came to fists until I swung the big wrench I always carried for the purpose of opening the hydrant.
Within minutes sides were drawn. Meanwhile the building was burning.

Chief set the police straight.

There always seems to be a rivalry of authority between the two Depts. Not good for the public safety we all swore to protect.

Police are not trained in the strategies of firefighting or auto extrication. Their job at those scenes is to redirect and control traffic that may interfere with the efforts of the Firefighters. Hence the SOP rules that prioritize the firefighters authority.
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Well-known member
SUPER Site Supporter
This is ridiculous! I hope that cop's house burns down because the fire fighters are afraid to go there.
I wonder how many other people that cop has arrested and given tickets to that don't deserve them. Meanwhile, drug dealers are standing on the streets selling meth and heroin.


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
This is ridiculous! I hope that cop's house burns down because the fire fighters are afraid to go there.
I wonder how many other people that cop has arrested and given tickets to that don't deserve them. Meanwhile, drug dealers are standing on the streets selling meth and heroin.
The fire co I run with covers 3 townships 2 work with us giving us reasonable donations but we do have 2 major fund raisers a year the we bust our but on.

The third township one supervisor and the other 2 are his pawns (and I’m paraphrasing here) says we only help the people in his township a couple times a year so he shouldn’t pay for that because its minuscule compared to the other calls.

The state code says the 2nd class townships have to cover emergency services

So, the question is how do you turn your back on the residences and not respond?


Well-known member
SUPER Site Supporter
The state code says the 2nd class townships have to cover emergency services

So, the question is how do you turn your back on the residences and not respond?
Why not send letters to all of the citizens in that township asking for donations. You could put wording in their about their supervisors not wanting to contribute, so you are asking them personally.
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Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Why not send letters to all of the citizens in that township asking for donations. You could put wording in their about their supervisors not wanting to contribute, so you are asking them personally.
we do send donation letters out but our lawyer suggested not to do it in donation letter.
Were working on how to do it in a "whats going on letter" to say how we are doing across the board and were we are going in the future.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
The fire co I run with covers 3 townships 2 work with us giving us reasonable donations but we do have 2 major fund raisers a year the we bust our but on.

The third township one supervisor and the other 2 are his pawns (and I’m paraphrasing here) says we only help the people in his township a couple times a year so he shouldn’t pay for that because its minuscule compared to the other calls.

The state code says the 2nd class townships have to cover emergency services

So, the question is how do you turn your back on the residences and not respond?
What does that have to do with this dispute over authority at the fire/accident scene?
This cop interfered with the fire Dept operations at an active emergency.
Wrong in any jurisdiction.
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Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
This is ridiculous! I hope that cop's house burns down because the fire fighters are afraid to go there.
I wonder how many other people that cop has arrested and given tickets to that don't deserve them. Meanwhile, drug dealers are standing on the streets selling meth and heroin.
@FrancSevin this comment struck a cord with me.
At the fire house we had a discussion if the primidone’s supervisor’s house has a fire would we stay home (volunteer fire co.)
I know I couldent.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
@FrancSevin this comment struck a cord with me.
At the fire house we had a discussion if the primidone’s supervisor’s house has a fire would we stay home (volunteer fire co.)
I know I couldent.
We take an oath to protect life and property. That includes Democrats. And assholes.

Therefore, we would still save his ass and his property.