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Point of Order!’: Firestorm Erupts When Congressman Asks to Subpoena Koch Brothers to


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
This could get real interesting. :clap: Video coverage at the link.

A House committee held what was perhaps one of its more explosive hearings Wednesday on a bill that would give a federal commission the power to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. Democrats, lead by Congressman Henry Waxman, call the bill a Republican earmark and thus asked that the Koch brothers be subpoenaed to testify on their alleged investment in the project. Republican Committee chairman Ed Whitefield was having none of it, however, and cut Waxman off at the knees.
“We’re not going to be subpoenaing the Koch brothers,” he blasted. “The Koch brothers have nothing to do with this project.”
“Point of order!” Waxman bellowed. “You cut me out in the middle of a sentence!”
“Your time was up, Mr. Waxman!” Whitfield retorted. “We are going to recess this hearing for ten minutes and then we’re going to come back.”
“Are you calling the Koch brothers during the recess?” Waxman quipped.
Whitefield quickly fired back, “If you want to talk about that, let’s talk about the millions of dollars that the Obama administration gave companies like Solyndra and people like George Kaiser and other campaign bundlers…would you like us to subpoena them too?”
“Why are you interrupting members and then you take unlimited time for yourself?” Waxman asked.
“I’m the chairman! And I’m telling you right now we’re going to recess for ten minutes!” Whitfield roared, before storming out.
Speculations over why the president has delayed the decision on this project abound. Some suggest Obama he has done so to keep from angering his political base and environmentalists who oppose the pipeline. If approved, the bill would essentially bypass Obama’s decision.
Mediaite brings us the entire exchange via CSPAN


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Here is a list of the top 10 in congress to get lobbyist money to speed up the Keystone deal. Followed by one source but there are a lot more.

Here are the top 10:


Follow the money if you want to know who buys your government.


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GOLD Site Supporter
Big Business buys our government. :(

Sure does why else would they get upset over the being subpoenaed Koch brothers other than they are the biggest supported of all things right wing in this country and especially with oil. What bothered me more than anything else was the push to speed up the process and the money that came into the congress to push it. I had nor have a problem with it continuing really but really bothers me when one can buy congress to do its bidding. No better than play for pay.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Sure does why else would they get upset over the being subpoenaed Koch brothers other than they are the biggest supported of all things right wing in this country and especially with oil. What bothered me more than anything else was the push to speed up the process and the money that came into the congress to push it. I had nor have a problem with it continuing really but really bothers me when one can buy congress to do its bidding. No better than play for pay.

Because the Koch brothers have nothing to do with the pipeline. Perhaps the chairman should subpoenae Warren Buffet who stands to make a killing hauling the oil in his Burlington Northern tankers.

What money does Congress have to spend on this private project? And, if so, why is that a problem? I thought you supported infastructure expenditures?


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Here is a list of the top 10 in congress to get lobbyist money to speed up the Keystone deal. Followed by one source but there are a lot more.

Here are the top 10:


Follow the money if you want to know who buys your government.

All this shows is a list of politicians, mostly GOP, who favor getting 20,000 jobs going in the energy field. Jobs that result in wealth creation, tax revenues and Profits. So industry lobbyists are putting their money there.

Kinda like the campaign money bundlers who got the Solyndra deal struck.

Except that the Oil pipeline will actually create jobs and pay taxes, not go bankrupt and take the taxpayer's money. A little detail perhaps, but, if I may paraphrase," one that matters."


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
What bothered me more than anything else was the push to speed up the process and the money that came into the congress to push it. I had nor have a problem with it continuing really but really bothers me when one can buy congress to do its bidding. No better than play for pay.

:wow:Thats rich, after all the backdoor bullshit Obama and his cronies have shoved down our throats since has been in office. Talk about bought and fuckin payed for. :ermm:

In your own words to someone else here, GTF over yourself. Like the Libs You seem to think you have all of the answers, but have no clue WTF the question is. :doh:

Further more quit relying on where you seem to keep getting your so called facts. Read the red print.

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New member
the push to speed up the process and the money that came into the congress to push it

reminds me of barry care


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
the push to speed up the process and the money that came into the congress to push it

reminds me of barry care

Really that took almost 2 years and several passes through the congress to get passed, hardly speedy.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
"you need to pass it to see whats in it"

that ring a bell?

Not really since ever version of it over the period was listed on the net. It was that our representatives didn't read it. That is why I changed my mind from supporting to now not. I wasn't for it by about the 3rd draft as I saw where it was going to wind up a wind fall for private insurance companies with not controls on cost. I know Pelosi said that but I never claimed she had an ounce of brains either.