Could be just quiet. Needed a break etc.
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Could be just quiet. Needed a break etc.
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No clue. I did ask if she was okay a few weeks ago as I noticed she was not as active as usual. All she said was things were all okay.
Of course I am okay!
Been spending lots of time with these young ladies.
So It's true, you are speding quality time with some new friends.!!!Of course I am okay!
Been spending lots of time with these young ladies.
Of course I am okay!
Been spending lots of time with these young ladies.
So It's true, you are speding quality time with some new friends.!!!
I would agree. FF treats her with respect but the PW crowd has it's share of fools with which to suffer. I do hope her absence is from the fatigue of futile argument with the likes of some of them.
Perhaps she has found a new love life and is sharing time with a new friend. That would be nice for her and she deserves it.
Here' hoping such is the case as her presence brightens both of these Forums. Let's be hoping for the best.
Thanks Franc.
I tend to get a bit of respect on all forums I am on.
If I'd left the "other place" I'd have told you.
Same as if I'd found a new love life (man) I'd be screaming that from the rooftops!
So yeah, just been spending every weekend off in Defiance with the kids and babies.
This last one I was gone from Thursday night til Wednesday morning.
We adults froze our butts off during the Halloween parade (34 degrees) and 2 hrs long.
I made sure the girls were bundled and happy.
I'll be going back for Thanksgiving.
Meantime, waiting for the little blue house to get finished.
Sometimes we all need a break from the daily grind. A few years ago I took 6 months off from the forum and I enjoy it here. So what does that say.
MrLiberty did make sure I came back and now he is gone.
As for ForumMoron, anyone that would go there is a glutton for punishment. Never in human history has there been such a collection of idiots and morons in one place as there is there and that includes the douche bag that runs the place. If anyone here is still over there, tell him old TR says fuck you.
I call em as I see em.
I've not heard from him in some time.
Hopefully he's okay.
We don't talk about this forum or it's members at that other place.
The collection of people there, well yes.. some can be a bit hard to handle at times, but I've come to find that a simple "duuude, pullleeeeeeeeze" helps.
Or saying nothing at all.
It's a fine mix of good people, with a few dingalings thrown in for good measure.
Gotta have the balance, dontch'a know.
I have been busy with life. I now sit on two boards for the city I live in, one for older persons, and one for housing, both keep me kinda a busy, plus I deliver meals on wheels twice a week. I'm getting my name out there in our fair city as I'm considering a run for city council next year.
I'm not on the computer much at all anymore, I kind of lost interest in it. I still check in from time to time to see what is going on, but don't post much at all. I really should make a little time for posting here and at the other place, if only to irritate liberals. LOL!
See ya all later.....
Anybody know where she is?
She hasn't been around this or other forums for a week. Just curious.
she’s been gone for awhile now again!
I tried two different E-mail addresses today. Both were rejected.
I'm truly concerned for her.
I have wondered about her also.
Hopefully she found an outside interest that is keeping her away from the online world.
My gut tells me she is in the midst of a internet sabbatical.