Here are a few photos of my ST4...don't know serial # as plate has been removed. Will try to find out production year soon. Any hints from pics?
Does the brass plate below and to the left of the handel on the dash give the shift pattern? The Exhaust arraingement, and rear lights look vaguely fimiliar.
I had the shift pattern plates made in roughly 96. They were for: The first annual ST4 Owners Meet, held at Stampeed Pass Washington. I had some additional ones made that were not for the meet and gave them away. Somewhere along the line I must have given the previous owner that plate. But I don't remember the Green interior?
They didn't have those 6 lug wheels in the rear in 63, so it has to be later than that.
Compression test confims need for major overhaul. Forums advice says the 40 hp 1200cc engine is a "poor candidate for overhaul" ie (P.O.S.).
Would like to upgrade to 1600cc engine.
Anyone have experience wih purchasing turnkey VW 1600's. There are several remanufacters/builders. GEX for example--another one, bostonbob, gets high marks on the type2 vw list.
Also they make an industrial 1600??? Is this the route to go or should I just stick to the beetle 1600 longblock??
Any thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated.
I believe mtmogs got his turnkey from these guys in Oregon
I believe mtmogs got his turnkey from these guys in Oregon
Also, since you're in MT, you might give this guy a call as he's in your region and somewhat specializes in the industrial VWs...
Brax Euro Parts
Highway 43 & 91
Divide, MT, 59727
(406) 267-3321