My family is fortunate, none of us have had any bad reactions to the Covid shots.
Seems like there is a fairly high (10-15%?) of the population that has some sort of reaction to the shots that are more serious than sore arm or other very temporary (initial 24/36 hours) discomfort. For the people who had/have problems with the shots it seems like the government is suppressing information on the frequency and the severity of the problems.
My wife, 2 daughters, and myself took the initial 2 shots. Both my wife, eldest daughter and I took 1 booster. Eldest daughter is high risk, wife and I are both 60+ and I am high risk. We have NOT taken any additional follow up shots for one simple reason, they seem to be very ineffective on the NEWER strains. The original shot seemed to have SOME efficacy against EARLY forms of Covid to prevent serious disease. And it is now obvious that the early shots provided only very short term protection from serious complications.
Youngest daughter (now 22 years old) had 2 initial shots but not any boosters, both initial shots were required by Notre Dame as a condition of attending class, she is an athlete and extremely low risk for complications..
Our foster son has probably had 5 or 6 shots??? I don't know why. But foster rules are different and the shots are required. I know he has missed a couple. I also know he's had covid a couple times. But 3 year olds have very low risk.
Pretty sure my Sister In Law has had at least 6 of the covid shots, maybe more. I don't really know why, especially given how mild the newer strains of covid are, and given that the shots no longer seem to provide any real benefit.
We have now all had covid at least 1 time. We all had fairly mild covid. I don't credit the shots for any of that.