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PC help needed

Eric L

A cupl of night ago weed had the power go out, it kinda came and went a few times then was completely out. I unplugged all our electronics so when it came back on it hopefully wouldn't cause any issues, now the PC wont fire up.

I have a parts machine but everything is different so I cant go swappinf power supplies and stuff like I was hoping.

I did try bypassing the power on switch, cant find any kind of reset:confused2:

Any suggestions where to start? If I dont get anywhere with it tonite I'll bite the bullit and take it in to the Dr.

It's a HP if that matters.

Thanks, Eric
Bummer. I hate when that happens.
So when you try to power it on, you get no light or indication of power, is that correct?
Eric L said:
I unplugged all our electronics...

First, check all the ID 10-T errors. Is it plugged back in? Is the power strip plugged into the wall? Is the power strip switch on? Does anything else function from the power strip (lamp, fan, monitor) ?
Its all dead, just like if it wasn't even plugged in, and yes, I tried a different outlet too. no lights, no fan, no nada.

apperantly the power strip I was using (temporary from the move in :pat: ) wasn't a surge protector... all the other stuff survived....printer, monitor, etc
I suggest taking out the bad power supply and take it with you to your local computer store. You can get replacements. If no local store, check newegg.com. They can overnight them to you, they also give diminsions and all the stats so you can be sure it will fit.
Eric L said:
apperantly the power strip I was using (temporary from the move in :pat: ) wasn't a surge protector...
I would propose you consider a UPS instead of a surge protector when you get the replacement.
bczoom said:
I would propose you consider a UPS instead of a surge protector when you get the replacement.
Brian, that is a good suggestion and I agree with you. Places like OfficeDepot and OfficeMax often run specials on the APC brand UPS units. They have a small unit called the Back-UP ES 350 that I have been using on my computers and also on a couple of my TV sets. It can often be found for under $40. It will not keep your computer up and running for very long, but it will help prevent it from getting fried by lightning, brown/black outs, etc. It also keeps the TV, VCR, etc from needing to have the clock reset everytime there is a hiccup from the utility company. Again, don't count on using this to power your TV set, but it has enough power to keep the clock set on your gear.

Of course, none of this helps with Eric's current problem! :pat:
B_Skurka said:
Of course, none of this helps with Eric's current problem! :pat:
Agreed, but it'll save him the next time. ;)

I use the APC ES 725 which is the larger model but I have several things connected. I just looked it up and the price is listed at $90-105. As Bob mentioned, get them on sale. I was thinking I paid $60-65 for it.

Eric (and others) - If you use a UPS that has the coax option for high-speed cable connections, my cable provider recommends not to use it. They say it dirties the signal and will slow things down. I asked about damage to the cable modem if there is an issue and they weren't concerned and will just give me a new modem if it somehow gets cooked.
Some of the UPS's are nice that they beep when the power goes out. I have one in my bedroom so not only does it keep the power going to the clock radio it tells me when the power went out. My wife hates it but of course when the pipes freeze (or whatever) she isn't the one trying to fix it.
That is where I would start. If the computer store you go to can test your power supply that would be advisable.

I hope it's that simple to. :thumb:
Well, I replaced the power supply, and assuming you all can read this it seems to be working good again. I wasn't sure how universal they were so I took the old one to Comp USA, and they confirmed the old one DOA. then they directed me to a wall full of 'em and said "take your pick"... I picked the cheapest one $40.00 and a cheap surge protector to get me by until I get this thing set up permanently.

Thanks everybody.. Now, how come nobody reminded me to get a new keyboard while I was out?

Eric L said:
Well, I replaced the power supply, and assuming you all can read this it seems to be working good again. I wasn't sure how universal they were so I took the old one to Comp USA, and they confirmed the old one DOA. then they directed me to a wall full of 'em and said "take your pick"... I picked the cheapest one $40.00 and a cheap surge protector to get me by until I get this thing set up permanently.

Thanks everybody.. Now, how come nobody reminded me to get a new keyboard while I was out?


Because you didn't tell us that you needed one!!!!!!!:weneedpic
Glad to see you back up and running!

Eric L said:
Now, how come nobody reminded me to get a new keyboard while I was out?

You are kidding, right?

I don't know anywone that doesn't have at least a couple spares...

PM me your e-mail address and I'll send you some.
bczoom said:
PM me your e-mail address and I'll send you some.
Zoom, you been doing this stuff too long. You can't email a kb. He needs a real one!

Speaking of that - I have a few Model M's, the classic big clattery IBM kb's. Completely indestructible, at least short of Key Data Entry sweatshop use. Is anybody looking for one before I do a bulk ebay sale?

Eric, if you take the Hwy116/37/I80 corridor often, you are welcome to stop by and pick one up. Just PM me.
California said:
You can't email a kb. He needs a real one!

I believe I have some of those IBM KB's myself. As noted, it may be the last you ever need since they can't be broken.

Eric - Let me/us know if you need one.

California said:
Eric, if you take the Hwy116/37/I80 corridor often, you are welcome to stop by and pick one up. Just PM me.

Yeah I go through every couple weeks or so, go thru Vallejo towards Petaluma...I'm going thru tomorrow, but a quick turn-around needed... this one works, but its a POS.. not sure why I dont like it...just the feel of the keys, its like they feel "sticky".. not like they got soda on 'em, but like they "hang up" while typing. I appreciate the offer, but I'll probly pick up a "virgin" KB soon. I dont want one that some other dudes been bangin' :sex:
I've finally found a kb I like. BTC 9118. About $20 - $25.

It's like a laptop's kb, with no numeric keypad on the right. That brings my mouse and mousepad in closer on the right so its easier to go from keyboard to mouse.

You probably drive right by Fry's. I suggest stop in and see what they have. They have more models than anyone else.
bczoom said:
You are kidding, right?

I don't know anywone that doesn't have at least a couple spares...

I HAD a bunch of spares, but with kids around it seems that the KBs are a magnet for liquid disasters... I'm on my last "spare".

Eric L said:
Well, I replaced the power supply, and assuming you all can read this it seems to be working good again. I wasn't sure how universal they were so I took the old one to Comp USA, and they confirmed the old one DOA.

Eric, Glad to hear everything's Ok with the 'puter.
Usually when the power supply goes out like that it is a fusable resistor inside the power supply case. If you have a meter you can check for an open just inside by where the actual power receptacle is soldered to the PC board. Usually these fuses can be had a good electronics store (excluding Radio Shack!!!).
humor_me said:
Usually when the power supply goes out like that it is a fusable resistor inside the power supply case. If you have a meter you can check for an open just inside by where the actual power receptacle is soldered to the PC board. Usually these fuses can be had a good electronics store (excluding Radio Shack!!!).

Where were you last week? so should I save and/or fix my old power supply? is it worth it? I have other power supplies that probly have the fuse I need. Honestly, for 40 bux, I'll let it pass... this is the first time I've had this problem.

Just proves that we should never throw away anything.... may need a small piece of it someday. I'm paying for this ideology now, had 18 acres, now trying to make it all fit into 3/4 of an acre.
Eric L said:
...so should I save and/or fix my old power supply? is it worth it? I have other power supplies that probly have the fuse I need. Honestly, for 40 bux, I'll let it pass... this is the first time I've had this problem.

Just proves that we should never throw away anything.... may need a small piece of it someday.

these fuses are typically specifically sized to the size and brand of the PS. To replace one, you'll need to identify it as the defective part and replace it with an exact type. Their size ranges from the size of a grain of rice to a pinto bean in size; and you'll most likely need the steady hands of a surgeon to perform the replacement. If it is a surface-mount type, then you'll need a rework type soldering machine and possibly a microscope.

REAL techs aren't afraid of doing these kinds of repairs, but sometimes the availability of the electronic components makes the repairs prohibitive.

IE -
no parts locally, so call http://www.digikey.com/ or http://www.mouser.com/ and order a $0.40 item (that is if they will break down the lot and sell a quantity of one) and pay $9.00 for shipping:pat: :confused2:

It would be educational for you to at least look inside your old PS and see if you can find the item that smoked.
Good luck.