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PB Scout or Similar Sized Snowcat Cover


I’m an ex owner of a Pisten Bully Scout. I sold it a few years ago due to the limited areas that it could be used here in North Central WA. To say the least the state snowmachine lobby has a lock on almost all forest service roads via a winter use rule that states any winter use vehicle on FS roads need to be steered by a a ski (not tracks).

Anyway, i had a cover made for the cat from a high end RV cover manufacturer. It was not a super tight fit so it will work with other cats of similar size. It worked well for summer storage, winter storage to keep the UV rays from fading paint, interior, hydro lines, etc, etc.

Somehow i don’t have any images of the cover on my rig. Not sure how that happened.

I paid about 800 bucks for it and it’s in great shape. it was used most of the time inside a barn, only a few times outside.

Any interest?

Thank you!



Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
I actually might be interested to use it on my LMC 1500. Do you have some pics you could post?


Sorry, some how i do not. I have 100’s of pix of the Scout but no pix of it under the cover. I’m happy to send it to you and you can confirm the fit (as noted it is not a tight fit). I’m 100% sure will fit over your LMC. My Scout had a safety cage and lights on top and on the back. It actually a bit baggy as i wanted it to fit over any loads i had in the back. It has zippers for door access as well. I’m open to suggestions on the ‘value’ and if you don’t like it for some reason I’ll give you your money back- and you can use it for an RV or???. I just want it to go to a good home!!!! And for someone to use it.




Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
Thanks, Tracy. That all sounds really reasonable, and I expect it should fit the 1500. Another question: does it cover the tracks or blade? You mentioned hydro lines...

Thanks, Jon
Hi ssort,
Greetings from Western WA! I might be interested in it. Where are you located? Do you ever get over to my side of the Cascades? PM me to discuss details.


Jon: hydro lines for the blade. If i remember it does cover the tracks. Not all the way down to the ground tho.


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
Cover looks good Tracy! Thanks-


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