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I wonder if that dude has any idea how lucky he is that the couloir did nor "dogleg"...if it had he would have hammered into the rocks and gotten a tad "realigned" as they say


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
Sure don't think I would have tried to stop the sled. Bad enough what he went through!:hammer:


New member
Funny, not a word out of him all the way down. I'd been screamin' and cussin' so loud you'd hear it on the next mountain.


Master of Distraction
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SUPER Site Supporter
I wonder if the sled was his ride down the mountain. :(

Nice of him to take such good video though! :thumb:


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
I almost peed my pants when I saw the snowmobile crash and then come down again after him.
Good thing he could stop himself free sliding like that on the snow.
Some people are very courageous!


Super Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
Awfully nice of his sled to come tumbling down the hill after him. Would have been a bitch walking back up there to get it.


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
When I first saw this I thought "that looks like something Brian would do!" He had to have hurt all over to be flipping and sliding like that.


Super Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
I resemble that Bill. My difference is the machine would and I would have had a dance the whole way down.