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Only Whites Are Racist


New member
According to the Toronto District School Board (the largest public school board in Canada, which is funded by taxpayers), the definition of racism is as such:

Racism: While people in different contexts can experience prejudice or discrimination, racism, in a North American context, is based on an ideology of the superiority of the white race over other racial groups.

See definitions on page 70

The TDSB is also under the gun for allowing Friday lunchtime Islam prayer services led by an Imam in the public school cafeteria, where the boys are in the front, and a barrier segregates the girls who are behind the boys. Menstruating girls (ages 11-14) are at the very back, not being allowed to pray because they are “unclean”.


Of course, any forms of religious observances are not allowed in public schools: you can't even put up a Christmas Tree.

Toronto likes to think of themselves as the center of the universe in Canada, but as we all know, being so is just like the center of a cesspool: that’s the point where all the crap, garbage, and scum collects.

Big Dog

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They obviously don't get visits from Sharpton, Jackson, Sheila, or Meeks!


New member
it's not just in canaduh ( sorry you good canuckleheads :wink: )

but that progressive/liberal retardism is spreading through the US higher educational system


Ethic Studies 1 at UC Riverside. "Introduction to Race and Ethnicity" promises to "introduce students to major concepts and controversial issues in the study of race and ethnicity and shall provide a general overview of topics to be covered in more specialized Ethnic Studies courses." Based on the course evaluation posted on NoIndoctrination.org, the main "major concepts" introduced in the course were the indisputable truths that racism is pervasive in American society, that institutionalized racism accounts for blacks' collective underachievement, and that only whites can be racist:

In an attempt to justify the uneven socio-economic conditions of African Americans in the United States today, the professor blamed the conditions on overt racism everyday by white people all across the nation. The professor essentially defined racism as an opinion or attitude of a white individual toward an individual of color. I then asked him, �Does this mean that an individual of color in America can not be racist?� He responded, telling me that was correct. Based on the oppression that African Americans experienced in America, they could not be racist. The professor was so excessive on this perspective that some of the black students in the class actually told me that he made them uncomfortable. White racism was absolutely the theme of every lecture. The class was consistent with the title of the course, �Racism in America.� Since the professor believed only white people could be racist, naturally the whole course was about white racism.
...the TA also supported the professor�s assertions about how only white people can be racist. She told us that people of color could be prejudiced toward whites or other people of color. However they were not in a position to be racist. It was really unusual, as if they were redefining these words for their course.
