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One Of My Favourite Little Patients Passed Away Yesterday


legendary ⚓
FF Patron
Her name is Bea.
She was 96.
She was an RN for 30 years and often told me what I was doing wrong on the job.:yum:
God bless her. What a full life she had!
This isn't a sad time, it's a celebration.
She was all of 4ft 8 and barely 80 lbs.
She swore like a sailor and when she put on her call light, by God.. you better be there, now!
Every single time I'd do my med pass.. she'd ask me if I was sure I had the right ones.. then she wanted to peruse the dinner menu and often said "I don't want that sh!+, call out and get me a pizza, or chicken.. or Subway"
Her son used to bring in her Jack Russell, Girl.. to visit.
She liked to share stories (all hilarious) of her time working for a local doctor and her time at one of the major hospitals in the area.

I am going to run up to the funeral home tomorrow and pay my respects during my supper break.

Gosh almighty Bea.. there was only one you.
Sleep with the angels, little lady.:flowers:

awwwww sorry Loralei i know how that is you get attached to them thats the hardest part of my job:( and urs to i bet
Don'tcha love folks like Bea?! I had a great conversation with my godfather yesterday, and he's "Bea" in a man-skin. I just hope he and my godmother stay around as long as Bea did. Viva los old(er) folks!:clap:
awwwww sorry Loralei i know how that is you get attached to them thats the hardest part of my job:( and urs to i bet
Kitty, I get attached to all of them, every single one.
I am sure you do too.
Are you like me, and love the most difficult ones the best?
Bea wasn't so much difficult as she was full of spark.
She knew what she wanted and she wanted it now.
Our director of nursing had a special place in her heart for her, so of course we had to toe the line when it came to Ms. Bea.

My last memory of having her under my care on that wing was on a weekend a couple of weeks ago.
She had Lawrence Welk blasting over her television.
I suggested that she should turn the volume down because others were being disturbed.
Again, the swearing and telling me where to tell them to go.:smile:
She often made me sit down on the bed next to her and listen to a story she had to tell.
I'll miss her.
The most noted thing that cracked me up was a night where she fell asleep while watching wrestling on the tv.
I popped into her room and turned the tv off, and the light above her bed.
Boy, did I hear about that:yum:
Don'tcha love folks like Bea?! I had a great conversation with my godfather yesterday, and he's "Bea" in a man-skin. I just hope he and my godmother stay around as long as Bea did. Viva los old(er) folks!:clap:
:biggrin: I sure do Jim.
Hopefully, your Godfather and Godmother stick around for many more years for you to enjoy every last shining moment with them.
Sorry for the loss of a patient/friend.

I would bet that she comforted a lot of stricken people in her time as you do in yours.

Nurses don't get the acclaims they should get. In the Battlefield hospitals, they are the Angles in a place where Hell is all around. In a Hospital they are the calm when the world looks the most grim.

I have no doubt that your friend is now in good hands...Again!
I feel for you PG. I could never be a caregiver. How do you, or any nurse, do it? You must get attached to these people. And then they have to go. Like loosing a member of the family, but many times more.

Thanks for what you nurses do!
Did she have a family that came and visited? Seems at that age, some outlive their family and are forgotten by those that do, which is very sad....
yes I seem to get more attached to the mouthy ones for some reason......lol.We have a lady that is just mean as hell to everyone but like 2 aides and some nurses..the aides hate going in her room but i love her to death.i asked her one day y she was so mean to the other aides.. her reply for real was "because you can't fix stupid"
I agree. You gals are in a profession that I could not do. It takes a special person for sure. Thank you. :tiphat:
Sorry for your loss Sass.
My wife used to be charge/med nurse on a 64 patient wing. She had one old colored woman who had lost her legs to diabetes that was a real character. She liked the wife and 1or 2 aides and hated all the rest. I used to stop and chat with Mary and she was a very nice lady once you got to know her. She hated the food in that place and I could not blame her. I used to cook her up some home made sausage and other goodies and bring her in supper when I brought the wife hers. She loved blues and we would boot her cd's of old time greats that she would play till she fell asleep. She always reminded me of my grandma, full of spunk and quick to speak her mind. She was one of the folks I missed most when we moved up here.
yea i have a few im really attatched to but they all become like family to me im with them so much lol i love each and everyone of the residents were i work!!
Did she have a family that came and visited? Seems at that age, some outlive their family and are forgotten by those that do, which is very sad....
The one son always did, Mark and brought her dog in to see her.
BTW, the funeral home was packed tonight, just like I knew it would be.
I stayed for just a short time because I had to get back to work.
OMG, the floral arrangements!
I also understand what it's like to lose a patient like that. When I worked with the mentally/physically challenged, we had a couple people we cared for pass on. It's never easy even though it's for the best in the long run. Keep your chin up PG! Even though she was in good hands with you caring for her, she's in even better hands now.
yes I seem to get more attached to the mouthy ones for some reason......lol.We have a lady that is just mean as hell to everyone but like 2 aides and some nurses..the aides hate going in her room but i love her to death.i asked her one day y she was so mean to the other aides.. her reply for real was "because you can't fix stupid"
haha! Yep, those who are the most challenging make the day interesting, to say the least.
Thanks Brian, thanks everyone.
She was a doodle for sure.
I love all my rezzies, but something about her was special.
When Cookie goes, I'll be a total mess... but... that woman will live to be 180, I swear!

Again, thanks.. I love my job. :D
Bless Her . And bless You ,and those like You that have the calling to do what You do . I don't know where You find the strength .
Sometimes I don't know where the strength comes from either, John.
Must be the love for people period.
She taught me so much in the time she spent with us.

Right now we have 3 other former nurses in our facility, all in their 80's.
Knowing their past, and where they are now.. whether it be a mind lost to Alzheimer's or another debilitating illness, breaks my heart.

Just gotta love them to pieces and ensure they get the best that life has to offer with a ton of respect, and most of all... patience.
breaks my heart.
Just gotta love them to pieces and ensure they get the best that life has to offer with a ton of respect, and most of all... patience.
That's what makes You ,and folks like You so special . There aren't many that could do what You folks do day after day .
" They that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint". Chin up girl! Your a swift young camel traversing dry places, it's very dry but you are a swift young camel!
She had a good caretaker in you Hon. God is watching after her now.:flowers:
:wink: He sure is!
Cookie was like the icon of the facility in the nursing home area.
There has never, ever been a resident who were allowed to sit behind the nurses stations, but her.
She'd sit there with her doll in her lap (Lisa) her baby, then she'd use one foot to propel herself around in the wheelchair.
Always had her legs crossed with one foot on the floor for mobility.
Always dressed in the same colours, but red was her favourite, and pink.
She was Ms. Bossy, ate like a bird and was loved by everyone.
I'll be going to the funeral home on Tuesday evening.
Sad that we are losing so many from a great generation so quickly. She reminds me of Mary, a resident the wife cared for. A real pistol to most folks but a very great person once you got to know her. She loved it when I came in to bring lunch to the wife. I always brought a plate for her and sat and talked with her while they ate.
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Sad that we are losing so many from a great generation sp quickly. She reminds me of Mary, a resident the wife cared for. A real pistol to most folks but a very great person once you got to know her. She loved it when I came in to bring lunch to the wife. I always brought a plate for her and sat and talked with her while they ate.

Mary is like a lot of the elderly folks I love.
They all have a bit of pistol in them because they've lived through things we can only imagine surviving.
They all have stories, and I LOVE their stories.:smile:.. so I know exactly what you are talking about Bill.
I'll have to share George, Arleta and Twila sometime on the forum-keeping in mind the confidentiality and not overstepping anything.
Elder care can be depressing and uplifting all at the same time. It has always amazed me how some accept it and enjoy their final years and others are miserable and fight all the time. Don't know which I will be if I live that long.