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Oil/Lubricant for SLRs


New member
Today, I got the shutter and mirror in a nice Ricoh A-100 unstuck. Had to remove the bottom plate a nudge a pin, after which it works great. But, a dried-up flake of grease dropped out (which probably jammed the pin) and it seems to me like the mechanism is sticky and could use a little light oil. What is recommended?

Watch Lubrication - A Purchasing Guide for the Hobbyist​

7:18 min.

2.72K subscribers

Welcome to todays video where today i discuss briefly the 3 main lubricants you would ideally need for home servicing of watch movements. This video is aimed at the hobby watch fixer and is intended to simplify which lubes are really needed. Find below my top three lube choices for best results and economic value. 1) Moebius - 9010 or 9015 - For fast moving train wheels or balance/pallet jewels - https://amzn.to/37PIt7c 2) Moebius - D5 Microgliss - Great all rounder for slower moving train wheels such as centre wheel or crown wheel - https://amzn.to/37MdLvo 3) Moebius - 8301 Grease - Suitable for mainsprings, barrel arbours, setting & motion work - https://amzn.to/2Ur1cTs As an alternative to 8301 id recommend Moebius 9501 ( dark blue in colour ) a great but slightly more expensive grease . I use fluorescent grease & oil for quality control and inspection purposes but the standard versions will more than suffice for the home fixer. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
I think you might find this interesting and applicable for use on a Camera shutter assembly as well.
Good luck. So far my Zeiss Contaflex B 35mm SLR still has a working shutter. Not sure I would open that one up on my own....