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Obamacare: Darden Restaurants cutting employee hours to avoid fines..


legendary ⚓
FF Patron
...associated with the Affordable Care Act!

October 11, 2012 By Michael Haltman

Darden, parent company of the Red Lobster, LongHorn Steakhouse and Olive Garden chains is cutting employee hours in some of its locations to avoid the costs that would otherwise be imposed by Obamacare!

Darden Restaurants has been forced to make this move in order to turn full-time employees into part-time. This has become necessary in order to avoid being subject to some of the unintended consequences that the imposition of Obamacare has brought about!

In this case, beginning in 2014 large companies that don’t offer healthcare to employees working over 30 hours a week face fines of up to $3,000 for each one not covered.

In a recent video of a speech by Illinois State Senate Candidate Dr. Barbara Bellar she had described the potential ramifications of this bill in one very long sentence (watch here). This move by Darden is proof certain that the concerns stated by Dr. Bellar are well-founded.

In an email statement from Darden, the company said that these described changes in staffing are “just one of the many things we are evaluating to help us address the cost implications health care reform will have on our business. There are still many unanswered questions regarding the health care regulations and we simply do not have enough information to make any decisions at this time.”

Other chains such as White Castle are considering similar moves in order to address the issues that the Affordable Care Act will present for them in 2014.

For many firms Obamacare is still a black hole in that it contains regulations and rules that to date are still not completely understood by those who will be most affected by it, or by anyone else for that matter!

A local firm Here, Hansons Tree service,has reported a new issue. If their employees opt not to take Health insurance from them, Hansons gets the fine.

I know Jeff and the Hanson firm well. Started with an old pick up truck and a chain saw. Now they are some 300 employees and the premier aborist service in the Metro St Louis Area.

Very green, they reduce all the yard waste the collect to organic fertilizers. Very civic and responsible. But, the confusion in this new law has them on the ropes.
In this case, beginning in 2014 large companies that don’t offer healthcare to employees working over 30 hours a week face fines of up to $3,000 for each one not covered.
I wonder why they're doing it now instead of waiting until 2014 when the law goes into effect? And then they're is the chance that Obamacare won't even be around in 2014.
I wonder why they're doing it now instead of waiting until 2014 when the law goes into effect? And then they're is the chance that Obamacare won't even be around in 2014.

It didn't say they were doing it NOW. They, like all employers are getting legal advice for what we must prepare. Come 2014, we have to have it in place. In a company as large as Darden, such changes cannot happen overnight. And, they would be suspect if they did.

Do anything wrong and we get a sit down visit from one of the new IRS agents specificaly hired to enforce Obamacare.

Even if Barry loses next month, the law is not as yet repealed. So every business owner is sitting down with their accountant, and an attorney, to get ready for Obamacare.

Or, as in my case, to close the doors.
If I remember right McDonald's finagled an exemption to that rule, but I can't remember if it was temporary exemption or the details. Others like those mentioned above will have to make decisions and I suspect many will follow suit. They are playing by the rules that were set by our lawmakers.

My question is what about those part time employees? If they are over 26 years old and not covered by their parents or a spouses coverage could they then be fined if they do not go out and purchases insurance on their own? If I understand things correctly I think they could. And if predictions are correct the fine will be less than the cost of purchasing your own policy so they will go for the fine and still be covered as if they have a policy in place. Or, since they are working part time they might not be able to pay the fine or fee, as some have called it, so then they might be put in jail where they'll get free health care and free food and board. Geez, the genius of Barry's health plan sure comes through. :pat:

How could any thinking person, mostly lawyers at that, not have foreseen stuff like this happening???? Oh, that's right, they had to pass the bill before they could take time to read it. :yum: :yum: :crazy:
It didn't say they were doing it NOW. They, like all employers are getting legal advice for what we must prepare. Come 2014, we have to have it in place. In a company as large as Darden, such changes cannot happen overnight. And, they would be suspect if they did.
Or maybe it's a tactic to tell people to vote Rep so we can dump the nasty law that's causing everyone to loose full time work?
If I remember right McDonald's finagled an exemption to that rule, but I can't remember if it was temporary exemption or the details. Others like those mentioned above will have to make decisions and I suspect many will follow suit. They are playing by the rules that were set by our lawmakers.

My question is what about those part time employees? If they are over 26 years old and not covered by their parents or a spouses coverage could they then be fined if they do not go out and purchases insurance on their own? If I understand things correctly I think they could. And if predictions are correct the fine will be less than the cost of purchasing your own policy so they will go for the fine and still be covered as if they have a policy in place. Or, since they are working part time they might not be able to pay the fine or fee, as some have called it, so then they might be put in jail where they'll get free health care and free food and board. Geez, the genius of Barry's health plan sure comes through. :pat:

How could any thinking person, mostly lawyers at that, not have foreseen stuff like this happening???? Oh, that's right, they had to pass the bill before they could take time to read it. :yum: :yum: :crazy:
Doc, I think there are something around 3000 exemptions at present. The first one out of the box was Congress itself. My thoughts are that if someone tells you how much you are going to benefit from a program, let them be the first to get on the program.

Due to the laws regulating large layoffs, I would think that companies will be keeping their employees on notification. In addition, regardless of who wins, it is not a certainty that Obamacare will be repealed. Romneycare is the basis for Obamacare, and Romney has recently stated that he would keep some portions of Obamacare. In political speak, that could mean anything.
I got this Chain mail from a good friend.

Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 7:27 AM

Subject: Hobby Lobby

Column: Christian companies can't bow to sinful mandate

By David Green

When my family and I started our company 40 years ago, we were working out of a garage on a $600 bank loan, assembling miniature picture frames. Our first retail store wasn't much bigger than most people's living rooms, but we had faith that we would succeed if we lived and worked according to God's word. From there, Hobby Lobby has become one of the nation's largest arts and crafts retailers, with more than 500 locations in 41 states. Our children grew up into fine business leaders, and today we run Hobby Lobby together, as a family.

We're Christians, and we run our business on Christian principles. I've always said that the first two goals of our business are (1) to run our business in harmony with God's laws, and (2) to focus on people more than money. And that's what we've tried to do. We close early so our employees can see their families at night. We keep our stores closed on Sundays, one of the week's biggest shopping days, so that our workers and their families can enjoy a day of rest. We believe that it is by God's grace that Hobby Lobby has endured, and he has blessed us and our employees. We've not only added jobs in a weak economy, we've raised wages for the past four years in a row. Our full-time employees start at 80% above minimum wage.

But now, our government threatens to change all of that. A new government healthcare mandate says that our family business must provide what I believe are abortion-causing drugs as part of our health insurance. Being Christians, we don't pay for drugs that might cause abortions. Which means that we don't cover emergency contraception, the morning-after pill or the week-after pill. We believe doing so might end a life after the moment of conception, something that is contrary to our most important beliefs. It goes against the Biblical principles on which we have run this company since day one. If we refuse to comply, we could face $1.3 million per day in government fines.

Our government threatens to fine job creators in a bad economy. Our government threatens to fine a company that's raised wages four years running. Our government threatens to fine a family for running its business according to its beliefs. It's not right.

I know people will say we ought to follow the rules; that it's the same for everybody. But that's not true. The government has exempted thousands of companies from this mandate, for reasons of convenience or cost. But it won't exempt them for reasons of religious belief. So, Hobby Lobby — and my family — are forced to make a choice. With great reluctance, we filed a lawsuit today, represented by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, asking a federal court to stop this mandate before it hurts our business. We don't like to go running into court, but we no longer have a choice. We believe people are more important than the bottom line and that honoring God is more important than turning a profit.

My family has lived the American dream. We want to continue growing our company and providing great jobs for thousands of employees, but the government is going to make that much more difficult. The government is forcing us to choose between following our faith and following the law. I say that's a choice no American — and no American business — should have to make.

David Green is the CEO and founder of Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.

The government cannot force you to follow laws that go against your fundamental religious beliefs. They have exempted thousands of companies (friends of Obama) but will not except Christian organizations including the Catholic church.

Just remember this in November !

Since you will not see this covered in any of the liberal media, pass this on to all your contacts