Just to be very clear, the government take over of the student loan program is pure socialism. Obama engineered it. Its fact that cannot be denied.
Now, in typical authoritarian style Fascism, he is using government directed and regulated private collection agencies to play the bad guy and collect the loans using strongarm tactics that could not be accomplished without total government backing.
So, just to make sure I understand it, Obama made 'easy credit' loans to people who were bad risks, now he is raking them over the coals to get the money back and allowing generous commissions to be reaped from the collection process by his private army of thugs. Those bad risk people are the same folks he talks to in his campaign speeches about making college affordable to everyone . . . even those people too stupid to graduate. The private army he employs apparently has more collection powers than most collection agencies, which, by law, must back off under specific circumstances. But because this is government money, the collectors get special nearly police powers to harass people and destroy their lives.
What is Fascism? LINKY => http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/Fascism.html
Now, in typical authoritarian style Fascism, he is using government directed and regulated private collection agencies to play the bad guy and collect the loans using strongarm tactics that could not be accomplished without total government backing.
So, just to make sure I understand it, Obama made 'easy credit' loans to people who were bad risks, now he is raking them over the coals to get the money back and allowing generous commissions to be reaped from the collection process by his private army of thugs. Those bad risk people are the same folks he talks to in his campaign speeches about making college affordable to everyone . . . even those people too stupid to graduate. The private army he employs apparently has more collection powers than most collection agencies, which, by law, must back off under specific circumstances. But because this is government money, the collectors get special nearly police powers to harass people and destroy their lives.
The debt collector on the other end of the phone gave Oswaldo Campos an ultimatum:
Pay $219 a month toward his more than $20,000 in defaulted student loans, or Pioneer Credit Recovery, a contractor with the U.S. Education Department, would confiscate his pay. Campos, disabled from liver disease, makes about $20,000 a year.
A debt collector for the U.S. Education Department insisted that Oswaldo Campos pay $219 a month on his more than $20,000 in student loans -- even though he was entitled to pay less under federal student-loan rules.
Campos holds a letter from the U.S. Department of Education confirming that he is considered disabled. He contracted liver disease from a blood transfusion.
“We’re not playing here,” Campos recalled the collector telling him in December. “You’re dealing with the federal government. You have no other options.”
Campos agreed to have the money deducted each month from his bank account, even though federal student-loan rules would let him pay less and become eligible for a plan -- approved by Congress and touted by President Barack Obama -- requiring him to lay out about $50 a month. To satisfy Pioneer, Campos borrowed from friends, cut meat from his diet and stopped buying gas to drive his 82-year-old mother to doctor’s visits for her Parkinson’s Disease.
With $67 billion of student loans in default, the Education Department is turning to an army of private debt-collection companies to put the squeeze on borrowers. Working on commissions that totaled about $1 billion last year, these government contractors face growing complaints that they are violating federal laws by insisting on stiff payments, even when borrowers’ incomes make them eligible for leniency. . .
What is Fascism? LINKY => http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/Fascism.html