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Obama is a Card Carrying Member of the Muslim Brotherhood


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Finally someone telling it like really it is. :applause:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51CSx_RYlG0&feature=player_embedded"]Obama is a Card Carrying Member of the Muslim Brotherhood - YouTube[/ame]#!


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
So Obama is a card carrying member, really. The fact that the US recognizes and political organization that is gain control of most of the middle east makes our leaders card carrying members. Perhaps Nixon then was a card carry member of the communist party because he recognized and talked to Red China, or Reagan with the USSR.

No no doubt their stated goals are in direct conflict with ours but should we simply refuse to talk to them.


New member
From day one is has been Obama's goal to facilitate a multi-cultural atmosphere for Muslims in America ... in old news going so far as to instruct the head of NASA (of all people) to cozy up to Muslims. Why?


Of course the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood (besides relentless Jihad) is to complete the Caliphate, from East to West, all the way to America. And Obama, one brother to another, will help any way he can. Why?



New member
considering how Barry has treated israel during his reign in power, i wouldn't be suprised.

I suggest reading up on the new black panthers, Farrakhans islam nation, and the moslem brotherhood. you might be stunned.


Supported Ben Carson
GOLD Site Supporter
So Obama is a card carrying member, really. The fact that the US recognizes and political organization that is gain control of most of the middle east makes our leaders card carrying members. Perhaps Nixon then was a card carry member of the communist party because he recognized and talked to Red China, or Reagan with the USSR.

No no doubt their stated goals are in direct conflict with ours but should we simply refuse to talk to them.
You irritate me sometimes joe...


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
No no doubt their stated goals are in direct conflict with ours but should we simply refuse to talk to them.

By all means, let's leave the door open and let them walk through it anytime they want to talk. What we can't and should not do is kiss up to them, apologize to them for being us and generally kissing their ass all in the name of good will. Screw them. I've been there and I do not like them at all. They are all born pissed off and only get pissier the older they get. Bottom line Joe. True story.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
By all means, let's leave the door open and let them walk through it anytime they want to talk. What we can't and should not do is kiss up to them, apologize to them for being us and generally kissing their ass all in the name of good will. Screw them. I've been there and I do not like them at all. They are all born pissed off and only get pissier the older they get. Bottom line Joe. True story.

I spent a time in the middle east also as well as a few to say the least other countries. Now I don't think we should bow to them or kiss their ass however as part of my ancestry once said, keep your friend close but your enemies closer. So talking with them I have no problem any more than I did with Nixon talking to the Communist Chinese when we had refused to do since WWII. The whole point is talking hurts no one and perhaps gives on insight in to their way of thinking or do you think we are better off ignoring them till they pull another 9/11. Keep in mind we didn't take them serious at that time either, in spite of being warned.


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
Civil enemies on hand, Civilian killing terrorists on the other.

Ya, treat them the same.

Great idea.