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Obama Considers Tax on Cabinet


Gone But Not Forgotten
Obama Considers Tax on Cabinet

POSTED February 3, 2009 Obama Considers Tax on Cabinet
Would Create Budget Surplus, Experts Believe

President Barack Obama is mulling a controversial new tax program
that would require members of his Cabinet to pay taxes owed under the
Federal tax code, the White House confirmed today.

While the unorthodox tax proposal is reportedly "only in the planning
stages," it is being eyed as a possible way to balance the Federal

"According to projections, if members of the Cabinet actually paid
their taxes, we could wind up with a budget surplus in excess of
$18.2 billion," said Obama economic adviser Paul Volcker.

Mr. Volcker said he strongly favored the plan, but
added, "Fortunately for me, I'm not officially in the Cabinet."

But imposing taxes on Cabinet members may be easier said than done,
critics of the plan warn.

"Remember, these people are not used to paying taxes," said one White
House source. "They are going to be hopping mad about this."

Another wrinkle in the plan is how the taxes would actually be
collected, with President Obama reportedly favoring a cash-at-the-
door entry fee for every Cabinet meeting.

"If they don't have the money, they don't get in," said the
source. "They're not going to be able to just sail into the White
House for free like the Jonas Brothers."

When told of Mr. Obama's plan to make his Cabinet members pay taxes,
Fmr. Sen. Tom Daschle responded, "Whew! Sounds like I dodged a
