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Not Mine: 1962 Thiokol 4T10


Saved for posterity:
For sale is a 1962 ? Thiokol Trackmaster 4T10W snowcat located in Swan Lake. Selling for a neighbor.
Starts and runs well. As seen in photos, needs some TLC. Saw another one just like it that had undergone an inexpensive restoration and sold for $40k. Comes with extra track parts and service-parts manual with notes of everything done to it from beginning.






Also, this is in my neck of the woods; I'll be passing through where it is located a couple of times next week and can put eyes on it if anyone is interested.


"...an inexpensive restoration...". Is there such a thing in snowcat land? Perhaps it's just a matter of perspective, If you have billions, it probably is inexpensive.
Unless a rattle can paint job and some auto parts store bling is considered a restoration, I don't think there is such a thing as an "inexpensive restoration" for any kind of vehicle.


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GOLD Site Supporter
I‘ve been looking for a non-refurbished Skidozer for a “next project” (redsquirrel got the last one for sale in our neck of the woods, Wisconsin….lucky squirrel). If I lived in Bozeman, with room to roam, this would make a fantastic project!