Mr. Congeniality
I was removing a dishwasher today for a customer and found that the sink base cabinet floor was all warped and the side wall next to the dishwasher was rotted and wet about 12" up from the floor. Turns out that the 2" drain line from the sink had broken inside the wall (no clue how that happened) just below the tee and above the floor. I have enough room to replace the damaged section of ABS and will open the hub in the tee to glue in the new pipe. Anyway, the adjacent cabinet had the same side wall damage so I cut it out and will replace it after the floor and wood all dry over the weekend. When I pulled off the sidewall section and bottom support of the cabinet, I found two of these spotted garden slugs attached to the particle board base. Thankfully the customer was in the other room, so I put the board & slug in my trash pail and skeedadled outside to put it in the trash can before she saw it. She's an uber clean freak, and if she saw those puppies she would have stroked out on me on the spot, I'm convinced of that. Just thought I'd share with you folks that these guys can get into your house if there is anywhere where moisture is present.