Non GMO soybeans

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Patron

Are they getting tough to find...I had a variety that was only 70% warm germanation rate. (very poor) Needless to say I rejected them. This late in the game this is not a good thing....Yesterday I was able to locate a large enough supply of a substitute. Luckily I might add. Several companies list them for sale, but do not have many units at any of them. Food grade soy is what we are after, and it must not contain more than .01% genetically modified material. Other wise they aren't good for export, or domestic processing that is exported. Since my selection has the black spot (hilem) on them this year, mine will be going to the west coast to a tofu and soymilk manufacturer. The clear hilems are what are exported to Asia. They don't like the black dot thing....But this is removed before processing, so I am unsure why they demand it.

I wish seed selection and procurement were easy, but them again, The substantial premium $$ would not be there to get....:brows:

Thank you Monsanto!! (the genetically modified leaders)

Regards, Kirk
Kirk, while I've got a small amount of land that is farmed, I don't do the actual farming. Still, I've been watching the struggles of real farmers, who, like yourself, have to deal with more issues than most of us realize. Over time I've come to believe that Monsanto and much of the FDA is evil. No, they didn't set out to be that way, but in fact they have both effectively choked off supply and natural production and sales and if you don't play their game you don't get to play at all.
If you think it is bad here you should study what they have done in Canada to farmers who don't plant their seed. Cross pollination of crops is a very real problem and they have won judgements against farmers for it happening.
Kirk, while I've got a small amount of land that is farmed, I don't do the actual farming. Still, I've been watching the struggles of real farmers, who, like yourself, have to deal with more issues than most of us realize. Over time I've come to believe that Monsanto and much of the FDA is evil. No, they didn't set out to be that way, but in fact they have both effectively choked off supply and natural production and sales and if you don't play their game you don't get to play at all.

Well they would I think like it if guys like me would just go away, and let them have it all. But it ain't going to happen as long as I have a say in what I do and grow. It has taken me some time to get where I am, with regards to reputation and the ability to deliver a product that usually exceeds the required specs as well. You word is still your bond, and in this food grade game, you don't want dirty underware....

You are always mindfull that if you deliver it, you had better be willing to eat it. Never try and pull the wool over a buyers eyes. You will get caught, and your reputation isn't some thing you nessecaarily ever get back. The playing field is big, but the number of players is relatively small. Word gets around..

In just soybeans this is a $50K bump for me, and I am glad to do it. And I can thumb my nose at the big M to boot!!

I grow for a privately owned elevator system that streaches from the midwest to the Gulf coast load out facillity. The do not advertise and you probably never hear of them. But they have just short of a billion dollar credit line if this gives you an indication......They have a food ingrediants division I work with..

They gave me some concessions in my contract to keep me in non GMO. I had intended to leave and grow round up this year and shop around. But they convinced me with the deal that was stuck, that I should just stay in the game. As they say $$ talk and bull shit walks...I also have some infrastucture they like as well as location....

The big M is deep with former employies in FDA and EPA as well as SCOTUS...Clarance Thomas was head of legal at the Big M. (they are listening in soon to this) SO you are right...:unsure:

Regards, Kirk