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Nodwell FN10


New member
Hello all I am new to the track machines, I just bought one for my husband. I am having a hard time finding any infomation, parts or basically anything on it. It is a 1974 flex track nodwell FN 10, that is in pristine condition. I was wanting to get spare parts and a manual for it. Thank you in advance, if you are able to help me out. I went to napa to get some spark plug wires and a new throttle cable but had no uck well with the throttle cable, I guess I will have to find a machine shop to make me one. I am going to try and do what little I know how do to (change oil, spark plugs and put new spark plug wires) while my husband is at work. Hopefully I do not mess it up. LOL
What a lucky husband! Alaska Machine is located at 1153 E 74th just east of the Old Seward Highway in Anchorage. They specialize in rebuilding Nodwells and other track rigs and also sell parts. (907) 349-7512. Also most driveline shops can fabricate a throttle cable to your specs. Young's Gear on International Airport Rd should be able to help you out.
Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new snocat adventure. I'm sure there is somebody here that can tell you what you need to know. How about a couple of pics of your new rig.
why can't i be so lucky my wife had her doubts when i went to teeller to get my snow trac now les see what she says now that i have found another one about 300 miles from here


These are 25" homemade tracks I hope that they do not cause any problems while we are out and about in it.



Not sure why the exhaust is pointing down but we are going to try and figure out how to put it on top.
Nice lookin' cat. The tracks appear to be well done, but if you're worried you may want to carry a repair kit- pre-punched section of belt and longer bolts to tie it all together. Exhaust pointed down might've been to keep rainwater out. If you turn it up, remember a cap or flapper on the end. Looks like you need some wiper blades too ;)
Hello all I am new to the track machines, I just bought one for my husband. I am having a hard time finding any infomation, parts or basically anything on it. It is a 1974 flex track nodwell FN 10, that is in pristine condition. I was wanting to get spare parts and a manual for it. Thank you in advance, if you are able to help me out. I went to napa to get some spark plug wires and a new throttle cable but had no uck well with the throttle cable, I guess I will have to find a machine shop to make me one. I am going to try and do what little I know how do to (change oil, spark plugs and put new spark plug wires) while my husband is at work. Hopefully I do not mess it up. LOL

Welcome to the Forum!

Driveline services use to make a lot of the Cables and such, may still do that.

What a lucky husband you got there by the way! Hey, you got it for him, let him worry about the little repairs on it!
angled mudflap that deflects the snow to the side. Slick idea,wounder how they came up with that.