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Night-Owl snow-trac's


Hello from Northern Minnesota
New member night-owl here. I'm glad I found a site with other sno-cat lovers
I have snow-trac #2018 & snow-master #000872
I'm also rebuilding Thiokol Imp 1404ST #T4C0990
It will be fun to trade stories and solve problems
Anybody know of a place to get "reasonable" track rubber for my Imp
Welcome to the asylum where we are all a little nuts and our wives remind up of that fact on a regular basis.

For the track belting you can try the traditional snowcat place, or you can also look for conveyor belting suppliers. Do a simple GOOGLE search for conveyor belts. Be aware that snowcats have their belts exposed to cold and wet conditions so if you go with conveyor belting make sure it is rated for cold/wet. If it sits outside year around, you might want to see if you can get belting with UV protection too. Some members have found conveyor to be a lower priced option that works very well.
TO B Skurka
Hello from Night-Owl = Easy to spell hard to say = thanks for the reply
This is a total rebuild on my #1404 - "IMP" - Body off sand-blast new Hyd.
Has blade & groomer. May repower V-4 to V-8 W/Auto Trans I think the
5-7 ply belting is the way to go on the trac's but as a auto restorer this
is my first try at Hot-Rodding a trac machine. My first suprise was when I
pulled it in the garage and found out the O-C4 Diff. had a smoked Ring-Pinion
I have parts from Zimmerman and I highly reccomend them but they are
a little $pendy on parts. I now have more in this "CAT" than it is worth but
Toys are Toys and old hippies like me say money is no object! It is the peace
of mind I get from hanging out in my garage and saving some vintage iron.
Any idea what year ser. #T4C0990 Mod #1404ST Thiokol IMP is?? How
about any members? I also need some kind of service books if anybody
can help. I'm not on this COMPUTEEER much but will answer any reply's
One of our members sent me a manual for a 1404 that I digitized.

Another member is hosting the digitized manuals on his website, we can thank "teledawg" for this service, you can download the manual free from this link : http://www.goldcordmine.com/manuals/