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New user seeking Enlightenment!


New member
I posted this in the Introduction thread and Doc suggested I might have more luck over here. Thanks Doc!

Hi Folks,

I'm a 60 year old retired Electrician, retired from Delphi Corp. in Kokomo, IN. I have a small farm near Greentown, IN and also some rugged rural property near Waynesboro, TN. I currently have several different pieces of equipment that I am interested in replacing with a UTV of some type. Right now, I am most impressed with the Kubota RTV 1100 but also have some interest in the Bobcat 2300. (Would love to have a Bobcat Toolcat, but that just ain't gonna happen!) I currently have a 2002 Ranger 4x4. What I would like to know is how much aftermarket equipment and attachments is available for the Kubota and the Bobcat. Also, opinions of these or other UTV's are most welcome! I'm starting to get to a point in life where I'm looking for things that will make my everyday tasks easier. "Work smarter, not harder" right? Any and all information greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Welcome to the forum!

I have the 900. There's some other 900 and 1100 owners here so hopefully they'll post.

There's a lot of accessories for the RTV 900 and they're coming out for the 1100. There doesn't seem to be much for the Bobcat unless it's a universal item that fits most any UTV. What kinds of things are you looking for? For many, tire selection is the first thing (and you can actually select your tires when you purchase the Kubota).

I don't want to take away from this site (so stay here), but to get more information/insights on the RTV, visit http://compacttractorreview.com/cs/forums/default.aspx
It has a huge wealth of info on the RTV.
I have a 900 and we're very happy with it. Kubota has a lot of stuff for add ons and there is aftermarket stuff too. I got the underhood storage box for mine.

It does fine with drawbar type implements too. Here's ours pulling a manure spreader. It does fine with the drag harrow too.



  • MVC-028F.jpg
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I would like to have a front mounted mower and a front mounted snowblower, at minimum. I like the RTV 1100 because of the A/C and heat in the cab. I like the Bobcat 2300 because of the hydraulic setup on the front end. Now, if someone could mate these two! Does anyone know where I can find a list of aftermarket suppliers for UTV's? The OEM manufacturers seem to have limited options for adding utility to these vehicles.

Keep in mind the smaller Bobcats are re-badged Club-Car golf cars. That may be a source for accessories (but I doubt a front mount mower).
That is some tough requirements. The only thing I know of with the front mount ad ons is the Power Trac's. They are cool articulating tractors. Much different than a UTV though, and last I looked they did not offer a cab option. But, they are worth a look just the same. Here's a link:
I would like to have a front mounted mower and a front mounted snowblower, at minimum.
Holy Cow Mike!!!

Hitting the RTV pretty with the hardest 2 accessories there are right out of the gate.

OK, to my knowledge, there's neither made specifically for the RTV.

For both, do a google search for their ATV counterparts. It may provide some insight on what's available, cost and what you're getting into. BTW - I had a front-mount mower on an ATV and didn't like it...

For both, you're going to want something at least 60" wide to cover your tracks. Each is probably going to require it's own engine. To be able to lift them, you're into a whole new issue (including beefing up the RTV's front suspension to handle the weight of these things).

My guess is these 2 accessories would cost well over $5000 to buy unless you tinker yourself to make something. It almost sounds like a tractor would be better suited for these chores.

How much snow do you get (where do you live)? How much mowing do you do?

bczoom said

Holy Cow Mike!!!

Hitting the RTV pretty with the hardest 2 accessories there are right out of the gate.

Well, If it was easy everyone would be doing it! Right?

Anyway, the mower isn't a problem, the local dealer lists one (60" with a 13hp Briggs) for the 1100. That would work fine for what I want to do with it. I mow Approx 2-4 acres (sometimes a bit more and a little on the rough side) . I currently have an AcreEase 57" trail mower that I pull behind a Polaris Ranger 4x4.

And, I could probably get by with a good snowplow instead of a snowblower. But! If I'm going to upgrade the stuff I'm using now I might as well look for what I REALLY want! My two sons and my mother-in-law all live within easy walking distance so I am elected to keep the driveways cleared in the winter. I have an old Sears SS16 tractor with a snowblower and also a Bombardier Traxter with a snowblade. This stuff works fine, but I am getting to old (and fat!) to get all dressed up then straddle these machines for 3 to 4 hours at a time. This is why I really like the idea of the 1100 with its A/C and heated cab! I'm pretty sure I have seen snowblowers for UTVs, probably when I was exploring the idea of getting one for my Ranger 4x4 a few years ago. But I can't seem to find them now, for some reason! Here in North Central Indiana we don't always get a lot of snow but I can remember years that we didn't see the ground from early December until late March!

I would like to replace what I have now with one piece of equipment and associated attachments! I want to keep the flexability I have now with the Ranger to load up the UTV and go to Tennesse and be able to get out in the woods and trails! I am very pleased with the Ranger, I have done a lot of hauling and draging with it but would like something a bit better suited for year around work. Cost is a factor to consider but so are flexability, comfort and ease of use! I would LOVE to have a Bobcat Toolcat. I could do ALL I would ever want to do and then some with it. However, there are at least two major drawbacks with the Toolcat. It is WAY more money than I want to spend and I'm afraid it would be too heavy for some of what I want to do. I have considered a tractor to do the mowing and blowing but then I will still have multiple machines to house and care for plus several other assorted lawnmowers and trimmers.

I've asked around but so far, nobody knows of a snowblower for a UTV. There's many blade options and the reports are that most work very well.
I spent a good part of today searching the www for snowblowers for utv's. Seems there aren't any! Guess I was showin' my ignorance, wantin' what I can't have.

I did find some interesting info, though. Didn't know they made snowblowers for pickups! And found several snowblowers for ATV's. Guess I'll have to settle for a blade if I want to move much snow with a UTV, at least for now.

Here is an update on my search for a snowblower to fit a UTV (Ranger in my case).

check this link:


This unit is 54" wide but they also list "widening panels" that add 6" to its width. This is the best fit I have found so far. I probably don't get enough snow in my area to make it cost effective. One dealer I found wants $4800 for the blower with a 23hp Vanguard engine. I would still have to add a winch to raise and lower it. So I will probably go with a plow!

I would still have to add a winch to raise and lower it. So I will probably go with a plow!


You're going to need a winch whether you have a plow or blower.

The Bercomac mounting sounds interesting. It mounts to the rear hitch and front axle. I was wondering if new suspension would be required but it doesn't sound like it.

Yea, at that price, I too am sticking with plows.