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New To Him Tucker

the old trucker

New member
A friend of mine from Rankin Inlet, just bought a tucker.
It is a Tucker Snowcat year 1975, model 1644. Here are a few pics of it....


Here are a few words from him.
Season's greetings to all
Bought another All Terrain. Any one have any info on a Tucker Snowcat year 1975 model 1644
Thanks Bob.

I have been talking to Bob, encouraging him to join the family.
Happy New Yea
Thanks for all the info.
How heavy of a load can I expect to haul with this unit ?
Our conditions wold be hard packed snow and sea ice. Very minor hills as we would be travelling on the sea ice or along the coast.
I am hoping to haul a Bobcat T650 (12000 lbs) on a sled.

Bob Fitz
12K plus a sled at say 3k and you get 15K load.

I am thinking it would work ok if the tucker weighs in at say 8-10K and has the 360 chrysler in it....

Regards, Kirk
Might have traction issue getting that much weight moving on ice. They have good traction but that is a lot more weight than a groomer.
Error on T650 weight, should be 10,000 lbs.
The engine is a 318 gas v8 dodge.
Will this make a difference ?

Bob Fitz

In the low range in the transfere case I bet you will be OK. I am thinking traction may be more of an issue, but with ice picks probably not.

Sounds kinda fun...Care to discuss what you doing with this rig? Just curious...

Regards, Kirk
you guys who havn't operated on sea ice just don't understand salt ice is much softer and more plyable than fresh water ice also it's usualy covered in snow last year i dragged an 8000 pound dredging shack on to the ice with my little st than pulled it off the ice again at the end of the year after it was covered in ice and snow i was at the time pushing the limits of my st but it did it so i would guess no problem with the larger tucker several times the runners fell through the trail on the way out but i still got it off the ice and up a hill i should look up on u tube the guy was going post vidio he shot
Thanks for the info guys. The 1644 was picked up yesterday from the summit of Rogers pass, British Columbia, on the Trans Canada Highway. Its on the way to Stonewall Manitoba to be checked over by Shaver and Sons Ent.Then by rail to Churchill Manitoba, where we will meet it and then on to Rankin Inlet, Nunavut.
A short break and if all is well mechanically off to Chesterfield Inlet to haul back our equipment and materials.

Bob Fitz
As this equipment is new to me, I am searching for as much info as I can.
I have noticed different model # 1644, 1544, 1643 etc etc.
Is there a site that list year and model # and there various characteristics ?

Bob Fitz