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New style snowcat paintings...


New member
I've been learning a new style of painting. It's called alla prima. The painting gets done all at one session. No more multiple layers of semi-transparent paints--and all the painting sessions involved. I guess this is my third generation of snowcat painting techniques.




New member
Thank you very much! These two paintings were each done from single frames of videos I shot out in Alta, Utah. These two snowcats, on different days, passed me while I was cross country skiing. Lots of times I use snowcat photos then fabricate the surroundings--or base them on other photos of places I have been. Sometimes I use other people's photos with permission.

The things I do remember and try to get into the paintings is the atmospheric feeling of the day the photo was shot. The DMC1200 was seen on a overcast day with flurries falling. That part I caught better on the first painting I did of this scene (it's on my website). The Imp passed me on a nice crisp sunny day.

Those two snowcat videos are among my favorites. They're on YouTube.

I'm always looking for snowcat photos for potential paintings.

Thanks again!


New member
This thread has got me wanting to take some more snowcats-in-action videos! It was pretty magical to video the snowcats while cross country skiing. That DMC1200 really blasted by me. Pretty dramatic and exciting! Maybe I can figure out by next winter where to find, with good likelyhood, some snowcats on the move.

Does anyone have any action videos on YouTube or somewhere that I might use as a basis for an oil painting? Can you PM me?

I also have some photos that I don't exactly remember where or when I found (maybe on this site) that I would love to have permission to use in some way for a painting. Anyone own any of these photos?






Is this a Super Imp?

Thank you!!!


Member Formerly Known As Kristi KT7
GOLD Site Supporter
DMC 1200 Sprtye Jumping a down tree


  • Jumping Dumc 1200 Spryte.jpg
    Jumping Dumc 1200 Spryte.jpg
    76.5 KB · Views: 462


New member
Really nice photo!!! Nice action shot--I also like how the snowcat is not fully surrounded by snow (it has a lower amount of contrast between the cat and background). It's hard to make a lot of snow interesting in a painting. A photo can have its infinite detail. Tough to do that in a painting without overpowering the subject--at least with my oil sketch kind of paintings.

I have a number of snowcat paintings I'd like to do. This one will be near the top of the list when motivation appears (I hope it will again anyway). Thanks very much!!!


Member Formerly Known As Kristi KT7
GOLD Site Supporter
Really nice photo!!! Nice action shot--I also like how the snowcat is not fully surrounded by snow (it has a lower amount of contrast between the cat and background). It's hard to make a lot of snow interesting in a painting. A photo can have its infinite detail. Tough to do that in a painting without overpowering the subject--at least with my oil sketch kind of paintings.

I have a number of snowcat paintings I'd like to do. This one will be near the top of the list when motivation appears (I hope it will again anyway). Thanks very much!!!

What do your paintings cost ? and what sizes do they come in . Like for our cat photo . PM the cost and sizes


New member
What a great video!!!!!!!! I can snag some photos right out of there. There are some great images in there. Many! Thanks!!!

And thanks Irongoat!!! Thanks very much for the interest! I'll PM.

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
here's a pic of the snow trac working on teh first winter delivery of fuel to western alaska the boat is an ice capable tanker renda


  • renda 044.jpg
    renda 044.jpg
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  • renda 049.jpg
    renda 049.jpg
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  • light plant 002.jpg
    light plant 002.jpg
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Bronze Member
SUPER Site Supporter
i posted this one for you in another thread,i thought it might make a good painting.


wish i owned it,but i just get to drive it:biggrin:


New member
Thank you very much for the compliment!!! It's sure nice to hear! I'm still up in the air as to which style of paintings I prefer. I had to wait a couple days or so between layers for the older semi-transparent paint. And it took six or seven layers. So they took a lot longer to paint. It's more fun to do the newer style. It all goes together right at once (right before my eyes and under my hand and brush). I like that oil sketch feel.

And thank you for the use of the photo!!! That Tucker would make a great painting! I've seen and admired that photo. I've been painting again a little bit lately. So maybe a nice little binge is on the way. I hope so!!! I have ten or twelve scenes in mind.

The paintings in real life are much larger. Most are 16x20" not counting the frame. So seeing them in real life is different. I wish I could display them all somewhere. I really painted them as a collection of images. They go together--and look interesting as groups of paintings. (At least to me.)

I want to try painting some larger ones too. I have some larger canvases. I've been thinking about a full size wall mural too.

Thanks again for the posts!!! Down here in the south the snowcat paintings don't get a lot of positive reactions. I put these last two in an art show in October. Nobody said one word about them. Not one word. I think they thought I was nuts or something. It was disappointing as I was showing as a former prize winner. So I guess I am fully back on the outside down here (I'm originally a New Yorker--also known as a Yankee down here--sometimes damn Yankee to joking friends).
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New member
Soy-tin-Lee!!! But I don't know. Do you think a SnowTrac could ever catch up to a Porsche powered Kristi with that cross-country racing suspension??? They look pretty light too. Think the Kristi is the Lotus or Ferrari of snowcats??? The Porsche of snowcats most likely?

Of course, I really like SnowTracs too--especially the two seat SnowMaster! SnowTracs sure look good and fast in that video!!! I want to paint those! They're on my fantasy painting list (several positions).

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
you have to remember a krusty has to run before it can out run a snot trac with it's super secret suspension. how ever i would argue that snot trac got it right the first time so they dont need the mexican option to keep them up right on a hill.


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Soy-tin-Lee!!! But I don't know. Do you think a SnowTrac could ever catch up to a Porsche powered Kristi with that cross-country racing suspension??? They look pretty light too. Think the Kristi is the Lotus or Ferrari of snowcats??? The Porsche of snowcats most likely?

Of course, I really like SnowTracs too--especially the two seat SnowMaster! SnowTracs sure look good and fast in that video!!! I want to paint those! They're on my fantasy painting list (several positions).
show up at the jamboree and you should be able to ride in both.
I wouldn't mind owning one of your snow trac paintings. They are looking good.


New member
Wow! My head is spinning at the thought of going to Washington for the Snowcat Jamboree!!! Mapquest says 2683.75 miles. Yow. My snowcat is still broken. And it's in NY. No matter what it's too long a pull to bring it.

But me and my Toyota??? I guess I'd need snowtires. I'd want to drive so I could see everything between Virginia and Washington. And take lots of pictures. Then I could go back to Alta, Utah too. I could stop in a few cool spots. And I could bring all my snowcat paintings for a display of some sort.

I'm thinking about it! I'm sure I'd really like it. I'm sure I'd get some great videos and photos for paintings! And even after owning two snowcats I have never been in one while driving on snow. (I did get pulled up a hill on skis once though--probably what endeared me to Tuckers oh so many years ago! And I've driven on and off the trailer. And back and forth a tiny bit in the grass.) I might actually get a ride in one!!!!