Spock and Galvatron < one and the same
ok honest i have been a ass today..nothing new there i guess...but this is from the heart
the reason i do not care shit about all of the what i call silly debates is due to the fact my daughter is in nerves take me to a strange level i care shit about the economy right now??? i give a shit about bills paid or goes on....
i care about my Katie...i love her with all my heart.....and i will keep the good ff family i know and respect up to date....
tonight i feel love.....
full of nerves....
our song...
[ame=""]Marillion - "Kayleigh" - YouTube[/ame]
the reason i do not care shit about all of the what i call silly debates is due to the fact my daughter is in nerves take me to a strange level i care shit about the economy right now??? i give a shit about bills paid or goes on....
i care about my Katie...i love her with all my heart.....and i will keep the good ff family i know and respect up to date....
tonight i feel love.....
full of nerves....
our song...
[ame=""]Marillion - "Kayleigh" - YouTube[/ame]