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Gone But Not Forgotten
We have been seeing a stray cat up here the past few weeks. He has eaten a few times on the back porch and has learned when I holler in the morning it means come for food. Well this morning it was a pretty strong thunderstorm when I hollered for ours to come in. He ran right in with them and bolted down the basement stairs. The wife went down to sew and he came up to her. Has a wound of some sort on his side so she loaded him up to take to the rescue and check it out. Sure don't need another one but he hangs in the barn a lot and may just be another semi-outside cat like a bunch of ours are. They come and go and show up for free food.
A couple days of antibiotics and good food and he is doing much better. He wants out of the cage now. We have him scheduled in for neutering next week.


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This guy is testing my patience! Even the wife agreed on keeping him outside. He has certain ones of our other cats that he just wants to beat the hell out of. He has had a month to learn to get along and it just ain't happening. He is extremely loving to people but not other cats. It has reached the point that I have to let the other ones in and out the front door and he even attacks them out there on the porch.
A beautiful animal for sure. I hope he learns to get along.
I'd be inclined o offer a home but queen Cleopatra still lives.

21 years and going strong
96 in cat years.
seems logical--

While you can never get rid of this aggression completely, you can reduce it over time. One simple way is to put a collar with a bell on your male cat. What does this do? Often, your male cat likes to attack other animals. It will stalk them, and ambush them. It is obvious that the attacker often has the initiative in a fight. If your tomcat can surprise the other cat and pounce first, it is more likely to win the fight. While winning is generally a good thing, in this case it only encourages your cat to get into more fights. Once you bell your tomcat, it will have more difficulty stalking and successfully attacking other cats and animals. Slowly, it will lose the urge to get into fights.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1290061
A beautiful animal for sure. I hope he learns to get along.
Yep! He is all healed up from the gunshot wound and he is so muscled it is like a prize fighter when you pick him up. I told the wife i am going to start feeding him at the end of the field for the next few mornings. He used to come in from that direction when we first saw him. Maybe he will go back home sans his balls.
I will mention the bell idea. That will give 5 dogs something else to bark at and keep me up at night.:whistling::hammer:
He likes to chase them up the tree next to the dog kennel. Drives the Jack Russell nuts. If I thought it would help me sleep he would be in one of the new holes I dug.:hammer:
What a beautiful animal. Please, before you just throw him away (like someone else did), look up on the internet the proper way to introduce an adult cat into an existing cat colony (what you have in your home).

Proper introduction takes some time and effort but can solve the aggression problem you are experiencing.
Thanks for the advice Larry. With 10 of them it has never been an issue before. He does not go after all of them but the ones he does are both male and female. Everybody is fixed and the rest get along fine. He is the fastest one I have ever seen. He will chase them all over trying to claim the whole damn farm as his.
He likes to chase them up the tree next to the dog kennel. Drives the Jack Russell nuts. If I thought it would help me sleep he would be in one of the new holes I dug.:hammer:
Sleep??? What are yo talking about.

cats sleep allday so they can spend the night terrorising their subjects(owners).

Mine wakes me at 2:00, 4:00 and 6:00 AM.

At least I am never late for work.