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Need suggestions ........ lighting!

Big Dog

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GOLD Patron
I need suggestions for the garage loft lighting. It's 40 x 14 and I'm trying to figure out what to do. Drywall walls and ceiling (8 foot) ...........


I haven't studied it much, but LED's are the way to go. Last forever, and use 1/10 the energy of similarly lumen'd CFL.

I would look into putting in a gutter all the way around, have the LED's behind the gutter, reflecting off the ceiling.

There are some manufacturers of LEDs that are starting to get into the normal color temperature range we are used to, though pricey. I bought some soffit-type LED's for my kitchen redo, and they were the color corrected ones. About 3 times the cost of normal LED's, but they do not produce a harsh color temperature.

<edit> contrary to popular belief, I really do believe in conserving energy where it does not interfere with my fun....
I need suggestions for the garage loft lighting. It's 40 x 14 and I'm trying to figure out what to do. Drywall walls and ceiling (8 foot) ...........

Waddya gonna do in that loft? Is it just storage, or do you need task lighting (i.e workshop)?

Are you worried about aesthetics?
Waddya gonna do in that loft? Is it just storage, or do you need task lighting (i.e workshop)?

Are you worried about aesthetics?

Probably be used for reloading and storage. Looks ain't real important and I don't want fluorescent strips.
Probably be used for reloading and storage. Looks ain't real important and I don't want fluorescent strips.

Fred's idea sounds more like accent lighting, and at that expense, is that really what you need for a storage space with an area where task lighting is required? (No offense, Fred):clap:

Track lighting might be your answer, since it's incredibly versatile, cheap and you can always add to\modify it later as you identify your needs a little more?
Probably be used for reloading and storage. Looks ain't real important and I don't want fluorescent strips.
Well, you could put in recessed cans and use task lighting where needed, like at the reloading bench. The cans can be fitted out with either incandescent lamp or CFLs. The CFLs take some time to warm up, but they are efficient and have a longer life. If using cans, be sure to buy IC cans (Insulation Contact) so you can insulate teh ceiling appropriately.

You can also use troffer style fluorescent fixtures that are flush with the finish ceiling; drywall or grid ceiling. They can be wired to turn on 2 or 4 lamps if you're just rummaging in the storage. FLourescent is tough on the eyes for detail work, but there are bulb options to compensate for some of that.

Reflective lighting (like Waybomb's suggestion) is nice for big spaces, but lends itself more to ceilings 10' and higher.

That's my nickel's worth.
Boy, with it being 40' long and 14' wide sure sounds like you have room for a pool table and a little bar up there. Canned lights on dimmers would work with a place for a light over the bar and pool table. You'd still have plenty of room for a reloading center and storage room left over to boot. :tiphat: Let me know if you want me to find you a decent deal on a pool table.

Fred's idea would also be nice with the bar / pool room idea.
Some pre-drilled angle iron, u-clamps, and some industrial 12V spot lights from NAPA worked great for me. You probably don't need a waterproof switch either. :whistle:
Some pre-drilled angle iron, u-clamps, and some industrial 12V spot lights from NAPA worked great for me. You probably don't need a waterproof switch either. :whistle:

Why am I not surprised by this suggestion ............. :yum:
OK, now that I know you are doing work up there, I'd still suggest LED's, but maybe in a can type fixture IF you are certain they will always be needed where you place them. But if you are not certain, I still stand by my indirect ceiling lighting (makes the entire ceiling a reflector of light), but also include fixture mounted point of use devices.