I just bought an Aktiv Grizzly that appears to be the same vintage as the one zenchal26 posted above. It has the 440 engine. It seems to be in relatively good shape, but after running perfectly for a few minutes, it starts starving for fuel. I've done enough trouble shooting to confirm that it is a fuel issue, but I don't know what to do about it. I'll describe some of its lackings, and if anything rings a bell, I'd appreciate opinions. Problem number 1, it has a makeshift fueltank with no kind of check valve in the tank. I'm not sure whether I should crack the cap to vent the tank or what. The cooling fan on the left side of the drive shaft is broken, and the housing that goes around it is gone. I am going to try to take this to a machine shop unless anyone knows where I could find a replacement. I never knew what the housing was supposed to look like until I got on this post, now I'm wondering if this is my fuel problem. It looks like this fan cools the exhaust manifold? Do you think that the exhaust manifold is somehow overheating my carb? Any advice and/or connection to parts or manual would be appreciated. Thanks