This is totally idiotic.
A group, on a guided camping tour, were apparently advised by their guide to out alone, fast and take no technology so as to become more aware of surroundings. Alone? In the wilderness? After fasting? With no way to call for or signal help? Seems like a massive liability suit waiting to happen. But even more stupid is that people listened to that advice.
I would suspect that Search & Rescue had a nice friendly chat with these people.
Fortunately they found the misguided woman alive.
A group, on a guided camping tour, were apparently advised by their guide to out alone, fast and take no technology so as to become more aware of surroundings. Alone? In the wilderness? After fasting? With no way to call for or signal help? Seems like a massive liability suit waiting to happen. But even more stupid is that people listened to that advice.
I would suspect that Search & Rescue had a nice friendly chat with these people.
Fortunately they found the misguided woman alive.

Woman found after spending 4 days alone in Colorado backcountry | OutThere Colorado
Searchers have found 53-year-old Gina Chase alive and uninjured within the targeted search area.
Searchers have found 53-year-old Gina Chase alive and uninjured within the targeted search area.
Chase, from Victoria, Canada, was camping with a guided group near Norwood that set out alone without cellphones and fasting to maximize a spiritual experience with nature. Chase was last seen on August 14 when she headed out alone and was reported missing on August 15 when she didn't return to camp.
More than three dozen deputies and search and rescue members and dozens more from multiple agencies searched for the woman since Thursday afternoon, according to the San Miguel County Sheriff's Office.
"Obviously this is the outcome we were all hoping for, and we couldn’t be happier for Ms. Chase and her family," said San Miguel County Sheriff Bill Masters in a Facebook post. "The ultimate success of this mission is a real testament to our responders’ tenacity and perseverance."
Chase also advised the public that you should never be alone when in the backcountry.
"You should always bring technology for communications," Masters added in the post. "Furthermore you should not starve yourself even if a “guide” service suggests the opposite of these basic safety rules. Nature does not care about your safety and will kill you especially if you are not properly prepared."