Snowtrac Nome
member formerly known as dds
we lost our little puppy earlyer this year her name was coccopuff which fit her personality well. her mother willow had to go back to savoonga where we got her from will had become the town slutt every time she went out she came home pregnent well as luck would have it didn't take willow long to get knocked up back in savoonga and on christmas day she delivered another litter one of the pups a male was brown like cocopuff so we had dibbs on him we had planned to wait till willow started to ween the pups but 2 nights ago the kids took her out to do her thing and a large rabbid dog running loose killed her so now the puppy at just a week old will be comming in hope we can make this work with a bottle i just can't come up with a good name for him i thaught maybe olly north or g-gorden but i was hoping you all could throw out some nice manly names for hin the 5 year old wants rosco after his favorite tv show the dukes of hazzard the older boy dosn't want it so please trhow out some suggestions.