My neighbor and I are experiencing some mystery piles in our yards that we can't figure out. Yesterday I saw Luna sniffing something in the front yard and was too far to see what it was. As I approached, it ended up being a pile of fresh dirt (18" diameter x 8" high), no hole opening or rooting/scratching markings. As I was standing over the pile it came alive. Appeared like something was digging underneath and about to break ground. Now Luna just got nailed by a skunk last week so I didn't do any rooting. Showed the wife the pile breathing but nothing ever broke through. I let it be, grabbed a .22 and checked it out occasionally while I was working in the garage.
I saw birds approach the pile, I guess for fresh worms but nothing ever surfaced. Later in the day my neighbor came over and I told him about it and he said he had about 8 of those piles in his yard (I have since found another in our back yard). Neighbor went on to say he's knocked the top off of them and he's never seen anything in or under them. Sure enough, I went and got a shovel and nothing. No visible hole and it appears the ground is solid except for loose dirt that when scraped out makes a concave dish shape under the pile, under that solid ground. No tunnel paths either.
I saw birds approach the pile, I guess for fresh worms but nothing ever surfaced. Later in the day my neighbor came over and I told him about it and he said he had about 8 of those piles in his yard (I have since found another in our back yard). Neighbor went on to say he's knocked the top off of them and he's never seen anything in or under them. Sure enough, I went and got a shovel and nothing. No visible hole and it appears the ground is solid except for loose dirt that when scraped out makes a concave dish shape under the pile, under that solid ground. No tunnel paths either.