Snowcat said:Anyway he is the best dog I have EVER owned.
That is one thing with some breed like Rottwielders. You have to constantly put them in there place in the pack. Thats why I didnt get a rottwielder. I have a good friend in Monterey Ca. thats breeds and trains them. H e showed me how they will constantly test the leader. Not so with the Pitt breed. If you are there Master thats it. That has been my experience with the 3 pits I have had over my life time. All they want is attention and to be loved. Thats it. If you cant play with them then dont get them. If you cant take 15 minutes out of your (and this is the absolute bare minimum!)day to pet and praise your dog then dont get one. Also every dog knows his place in the pack by his eating order (at least pits do). My dog is always the last one to be fed. My children and I divy up who feeds him. we always make him sit before he eats. I can have a huge steak in his dish but he wont go near it until I or my children say OK. We can leave the room and he will just sit there. Once I was on the phone and I forgot to tell him "OK". I went back in an hour later after my call and felt pretty bad. I gave him some meat for that extra wait.