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My new view of the "farm"


Klaatu barada nikto
Wind farm that is.

I now get to enjoy looking at 152 of these f*ckers surrounding my property.

(That is my house & barn, the picture was taken from the road)

So.....I wonder, if enough of these get put up around the world, do you suppose it can have an effect on the Earths rotation?

BTW...Dave, sorry for your luck. Are they gonna give you any free juice for your troubles?
There is a bunch of them close to us. Every time I drive by I love the view. Having them in my back yard I probably would get upset fast.

If you had the clout Ted had you probably could have gotten them stopped. :hide:
The "Greenies" would be proud of you. Do you get a lease payment from them? There are some real battles going on around me right now over wind farms. Lot of political push and they are tearing up the local roads. They put up 31 towers and 27 of them had to come back down for a rebuild.
The "Greenies" would be proud of you. Do you get a lease payment from them? There are some real battles going on around me right now over wind farms. Lot of political push and they are tearing up the local roads. They put up 31 towers and 27 of them had to come back down for a rebuild.

None of them are on my property, so no lease payment. I get nothing, no free or discounted power, no lease payment, nuttin'.

Oh, I do have the torn up roads, so that is something. :ermm:

There is still a battle going on here....:brows:
These are not operational yet, but the ones we visited in Iowa and stood the same distance away are definitely noisy.

That's gonna suck. I guess you will get used to it like people that live near railways. Perhaps you should plant a dense hedge of Leyland Cypress or something to give you some sound barrier.

I planted a bunch of tiny Leyland Cypress six years ago and they are now around 30 feet tall.

Cheap here:

That's gonna suck. I guess you will get used to it like people that live near railways. Perhaps you should plant a dense hedge of Leyland Cypress or something to give you some sound barrier.

I planted a bunch of tiny Leyland Cypress six years ago and they are now around 30 feet tall.

Cheap here:


That would be a lot of tall plantings....these things are 400' tall.
I generally LIKE the whole concept of the WIND FARM but it looks like they have your property surrounded and have built those things as close to your property lines as is possible to build them. If I was you I'd have to agree that they suck. We have a huge wind farm here in Indiana, largest in North America, but the population density is spread pretty slim down where they have them.
Them things are damn ugly.....why cant they make them in the old windmill style ffs.

The Futures bright .....powered by dull shit.

Heres what your view should look like.....


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How was the location selected? Did the other land-owners lease the land (and you didn't) or was the land bought by the company running the windmills?

How was the location selected? Did the other land-owners lease the land (and you didn't) or was the land bought by the company running the windmills?

The land was leased from other land-owners. I was never approached for having one. The real kicker is that nearly sixty percent of the land owners are out of state companies and the resident tennant farmers are getting screwed too. There are even "landowners" that are from Italy, and South America that are leasing the land to the turbine company.
Wind farms around here are, generally located on resident farmers' land. So the landowner who farms his own land does pretty well. In many instances, they get more for the lease for the wind towers than they make from the crops they grow on that acreage. Plus, they still farm around them. The roads leading up to each tower site must be at the same grade as the land they cross so the farmer merely has to lift his tillage equipment and drive right over and put the equipment back down when he clears it.

Dave you may see some road work done in the future. Many times, part of the deal with putting a wind farm in is that the roads have to be reconstructed at the expense of the power company.

They noise? :shrug: get used to it. Ain't no fix for that.
That would be a lot of tall plantings....these things are 400' tall.

Yes but you are not 400' feet tall. You only need to buffer the area between you and the noise source. Sure some sound will travel around but any sort of baffle would be better than no baffle.

If you are planning on living there a long time a couple hundred dollars worth of seedlings could be a nice investment.
The land was leased from other land-owners. I was never approached for having one. The real kicker is that nearly sixty percent of the land owners are out of state companies and the resident tennant farmers are getting screwed too. There are even "landowners" that are from Italy, and South America that are leasing the land to the turbine company.

Sorry about your bad luck with these things Dave. Makes me glad I'm close to hilly WV.
But when the oil companies come in and drill, if they strike oil they end up paying the neighbors for the inconvenience of an oil tender truck driving down the road (on my property) once a week to tend to the well. I don't know the amount, but the neighbors have alluded to making out on this deal. Every month they get a check. Since those monstrosities will be in your view and making noise 24 x 7 I would have thought you would be entitled to something just like my neighbors here in Ohio.
How long (over what period of time) did it take to put all of those up? How were you notified, if at all?
That sucks Dave, the noise will drive you nuts.

BTW I would never had thought you would have got enough wind there.
We have plenty of wind around here but it is up at 250-350 ft. elevation. This is the main thing folks neglect to check out before installing the home units like Skystream. There is a local group of folks suing the electric co-op for promoting them and not disclosing this little fact. They guaranteed to buy back any excess energy you produced but most of the unit are lucky if they put out 10-15% of their own monthly use. The ROI will be 30-40 years if they don't breakdown. That is why I backed away from installing one. At 40-70 ft. the air is not constant enough to keep them turning.
To be honest Dave, that has every appearance to be in the "that sucks" category in my book. I'd offer to let you use my M107 but, as my wife likes to remind me, using a .50 BMG is almost never a good way to solve a problem. It's probably late, lame and weak, but my only thought would be submit signed petitions to any elected official who would have any interest and authority if the matter.
It's probably late, lame and weak, but my only thought would be submit signed petitions to any elected official who would have any interest and authority if the matter.

Done and done. There were hundreds of petitions and hours of testimony at public hearings (one of the public hearings went from 8am until almost 5am the next day). All of which was ignored by the county board when they approved the project anyway.

I have learned a lot about local politics in the last 11 months, most of it is not very good or encouraging.
We have dozens of windmills here in the almost flatlands of Texas but none so close as to hear a sound. Except for one rollovered trailer there have been no problems on the roads. Maybe you just need to imagine a pall of smog instead.