The "Greenies" would be proud of you. Do you get a lease payment from them? There are some real battles going on around me right now over wind farms. Lot of political push and they are tearing up the local roads. They put up 31 towers and 27 of them had to come back down for a rebuild.
How noisy is it?
These are not operational yet, but the ones we visited in Iowa and stood the same distance away are definitely noisy.
That's gonna suck. I guess you will get used to it like people that live near railways. Perhaps you should plant a dense hedge of Leyland Cypress or something to give you some sound barrier.
I planted a bunch of tiny Leyland Cypress six years ago and they are now around 30 feet tall.
Cheap here:
How was the location selected? Did the other land-owners lease the land (and you didn't) or was the land bought by the company running the windmills?
That would be a lot of tall plantings....these things are 400' tall.
The land was leased from other land-owners. I was never approached for having one. The real kicker is that nearly sixty percent of the land owners are out of state companies and the resident tennant farmers are getting screwed too. There are even "landowners" that are from Italy, and South America that are leasing the land to the turbine company.
Against the law for you to fly a kite?
It's probably late, lame and weak, but my only thought would be submit signed petitions to any elected official who would have any interest and authority if the matter.
I have learned a lot about local politics in the last 11 months, most of it is not very good or encouraging.
You mean the "money talks and nothing else matters - unless race is involved" part?