Like a bad penny...
As many here know, my oldest daughter has had 2 brain surgeries in the last couple of years. One in Indy and the other at Harvard. During that time I had 2 knee surgeries and one shoulder surgery. It still cost me a LOT out of pocket because I had $5k deductible per person and then 80/20 after that with NO dental or vision.
My son is coming off my policy since he is now active military and my injuries are considered "completed" with no further care needed. However, Mel's brain issue is still very much an issue and I think about it every day. Riley's, Methodist in Indy, Harvard, John Hopkins and Mayo have no real diagnosis, therefore, no real cure.
Soooo, I got a letter Monday from my Anthem telling me that I now will have $10k deductible and my premiums are going up to $1700 per month!! Holy shit Batman! Two years ago it was less than $700 a month with $2000 deductible. With Melanie's condition a "non-resolved" health issue, no other insurer will even give me a quote. So, I'm paying over $20,000 a year in premiums and at least $5000 more (if it's just one person) before they pay dollar one. On top of making damn sure I paid Harvard and all the physicians for her treatment last year, this $25,000 out of pocket per year before anything is covered just seems like a kick in the teeth! Worse, I'm stuck with that. Literally my best financial move would be to have her renounce her citizenship and then she would be treated and, with no assets, not have to pay anything. That's sad. I'm not going to do that. I try to do what's right and I get, metaphorically speaking, raped on health insurance.
The only positive is, even with constant headaches and double vision at times, Mel has pretty well made up two years of college, taking the hardest courses for pre-med, in one year and has continued with her perfect 4.0 GPA. With her working that hard, I'll be damned if I don't do my part to help in any way I can. It may be a long shot, but she has gotten the attention of several professors and physicians at Harvard. If she finishes undergrad in 3 years, with her health problems, and scores well on the MCAT, she could possibly get into Harvard med school. If she does, I'll work until I'm 100 years old to pay her tuition there for her!! At the rate I'm going, I may be paying a hundred grand a year for health insurance by then. I'll just switch it and cover her med school if it comes to that. If anyone deserves to get into Harvard Med school, after all she's been through, I certainly feel Mel does. I'm keeping my rants on what it's costing me for health care away from her. She has more than enough on her plate without worrying about that right now!
Okay, rant off....
My son is coming off my policy since he is now active military and my injuries are considered "completed" with no further care needed. However, Mel's brain issue is still very much an issue and I think about it every day. Riley's, Methodist in Indy, Harvard, John Hopkins and Mayo have no real diagnosis, therefore, no real cure.
Soooo, I got a letter Monday from my Anthem telling me that I now will have $10k deductible and my premiums are going up to $1700 per month!! Holy shit Batman! Two years ago it was less than $700 a month with $2000 deductible. With Melanie's condition a "non-resolved" health issue, no other insurer will even give me a quote. So, I'm paying over $20,000 a year in premiums and at least $5000 more (if it's just one person) before they pay dollar one. On top of making damn sure I paid Harvard and all the physicians for her treatment last year, this $25,000 out of pocket per year before anything is covered just seems like a kick in the teeth! Worse, I'm stuck with that. Literally my best financial move would be to have her renounce her citizenship and then she would be treated and, with no assets, not have to pay anything. That's sad. I'm not going to do that. I try to do what's right and I get, metaphorically speaking, raped on health insurance.
The only positive is, even with constant headaches and double vision at times, Mel has pretty well made up two years of college, taking the hardest courses for pre-med, in one year and has continued with her perfect 4.0 GPA. With her working that hard, I'll be damned if I don't do my part to help in any way I can. It may be a long shot, but she has gotten the attention of several professors and physicians at Harvard. If she finishes undergrad in 3 years, with her health problems, and scores well on the MCAT, she could possibly get into Harvard med school. If she does, I'll work until I'm 100 years old to pay her tuition there for her!! At the rate I'm going, I may be paying a hundred grand a year for health insurance by then. I'll just switch it and cover her med school if it comes to that. If anyone deserves to get into Harvard Med school, after all she's been through, I certainly feel Mel does. I'm keeping my rants on what it's costing me for health care away from her. She has more than enough on her plate without worrying about that right now!
Okay, rant off....