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My brother this time .............

Big Dog

Large Member
Staff member
GOLD Patron
Well things always seem to come when you least expect it. My brother Kevin (lives in Pasco, WA 2500 miles away) bit his tongue on consecutive mornings a couple months ago and it never healed correctly, it developed into a "granuloma". He went into surgery yesterday to have it removed and yeppers it cancerous. They ended up removing a double quarter size tumor. He battled bleeding last night and they're keeping him under so he doesn't agitate it further. He is doing well right now, all vitals good.

Needless to say we want him to heal up, get the test back and see what level "C" we're in for and how aggressive they need to attack it. Doctor gave a positive outlook last night after the extended surgery, indicating signs they may have caught it before too much spreading.

Please keep Kevin, Lisa, Derek and Ryan in your thoughts and send the big guy a request for us, I'll keep you posted!
Good thoughts and prayers on the way big guy. :thumb:
Thanks everyone, means a bunch to me for all the good thoughts!

They brought him out of the stupor for awhile today, everything is going well. Healing nicely but gonna keep him down another day and do a cauterization of the wound tomorrow morning. In the afternoon they are to bring him out for good and pull the breathing tube. As of now, CAT scan Tuesday.
Well the CT scan came back negative, looks like they got it all BUT as today's precautionary procedure he'll still do chemo and rad. Because it was tongue cancer they have to pull a couple teeth and build a barrier to protect the rest of his mouth from the rad. Other complications are his tongue swelling due to the rad, his lap band and nutritional port he needs placed.

All in all he's in good spirits, ready to take it all on.

Addendum .................

My Mom's in the hospital. Started with the flu 2 weeks ago and ended up in the hospital last Wednesday as ........

Bladder infection
Low BP
Loss of blood production

First action was the infection (anti-biotic) and re-hydration. Next 2 pints of blood and today they took a bone marrow sample. Jeez this is hard keeping up!
What a roller-coaster ride for the Dawg family. Hang in there... we're pulling for all of you.
[FONT=verdana,sans-serif]Looks like my Mom is dealing with [/FONT]myelodysplastic syndrome (preleukemia). We're working on a second opinion now. Treatment is to deal with the low blood counts and transfuse/treat as required or chemo to shock the marrow to start working again.

My brothers condition has developed into a blitz to remove any remaining cancer and prepared for his future tongue reconstruction and eating habit/ability. He started a blog and message board on his endeavor and it is as follows if your so inclined .......................
Hello Family, Friends and Past or Former Business Associates: [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,sans-serif]In order to better communicate with folks who might be interested in what is going on with my cancer situation, I have added a few google web pages to hopefully answer some of the more common questions people have.

The web pages have some pictures and a new update with respect to my schedule of treatment(s).

Here are the web pages: http://sites.google.com/site/kevinsrecovery/home

Here is the message board: http://www.quicktopic.com/43/H/nnVa3TRN4Ywfk

[FONT=verdana,sans-serif]I know people are curious and I'm not shy or afraid to share with them what is going on. I know how rumors can spread and how sometimes people who don't have all the information might tend to fill in the blanks so I'm sharing as much information as I have energy to do so. And, I encourage people to ask questions as well. If I have the answer I'll do my best to give the information you are interested in and if for whatever reason I don't want to answer or do not have the answer I'll explain that as well. [/FONT]

Thank you all for contributing and communicating with me. It keeps me busy in between appointments and gives me something to look forward to each day.

Kind Regards,
Kevin M.
My brother is doing a phenomenal job on documenting his progress and plan of attack. Along with his links above, I've attached his plan via THIS LINK! He goes in tomorrow for more surgery and reconstruction. He should be in the hospital for about a week, then recovery and then on to the chemo and rad.

Keep him in your thoughts please!
It's uplifting to read that a cancer survivor is so willing to document his progress as he rids himself of the last vestiges of such an awful disease. Your brother's energy is to be commended, if not imitated by others so stricken.

BD, you also posted about mom. How's she doin'?
He's doing so good, well ahead of schedule in the healing department. He was operated on Friday and they're talking about letting him go home Thursday. 8 weeks of healing and then rad and chemo, he gonna beat this I just know .... :smile:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gVIg5wNgsM"]YouTube- Kevin after Trach removal March 09, 2010, 09:14 AM[/ame]
I know I am pretty liberal and probably dont have much pull, but still praying for you and yours.