This has been going on quite a while before Sush lost his job. I understand your compassion, but that does not negate the fact that action must be taken (should have laready been taken) to resolve the problem. If memory serves me correctly, Sush has been seeking advice about his life situation here at FF for over a year and a half, and has yet to take any of the advice that has been given that I can see. Sushi cannot just sit around feeling sorry for himself, he's got to DO something regardless of the current economy. The longer he puts off action, the more the inevitability of bankruptcy becomes reality. With no job, Sushi is looking at Chapter 7 which will remain on his credit report for 10 years. His credit is already screwed because of the late pays, so he may well wind up in civil court with the lender attempting to extract blood from Sushi's turnip. Then, he will face shut off utilities and ultimately eviction. Maybe Chapter 7 is the best choice right now due to months of inaction.....
Compassion is worthless to Sushi at this point and essentially is nothing more than coddling that will result in even greater hardship for him. He needs to get up at 6:00 AM Monday morning and be standing in a bankruptcy lawyers waiting room at 8:00 AM to at least look at his options from the view of a professional. Then he needs to proceed to the local Waffle House and start cooking short orders on the evening shift so he will have mornings free to seek something better. ACTION! ACTION! ACTION!
The time for talking ended months ago. I'm not being mean, I'm being realistic.