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Moyers and David Stockman

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
I just watched this on PBS..I think it very relavent as to our current state of leadership in this country. Stockman of course served under Regan in the 80's. Great interview about his new book. I may just have to get a copy for myself.


He is very able to explain what why and how our system is being rigged and by whom.:hammer: And, that nothing is beig done to change by either political party.:hammer:

Regards, Kirk


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
I just watched this on PBS..I think it very relavent as to our current state of leadership in this country. Stockman of course served under Regan in the 80's. Great interview about his new book. I may just have to get a copy for myself.


He is very able to explain what why and how our system is being rigged and by whom.:hammer: And, that nothing is beig done to change by either political party.:hammer:

Regards, Kirk

I've got to love it Kirk thanks for posting this. I also glad to see Moyer back on PBS.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter

Nothing new? A Regan "knight" telling like it is, during an election year. Both partys and the country have clearly been hi jacked by the "Banksters" and other than Ron Paul I hear nothing of the sort being said. Stockman connects the dots in a way few would have on their own. Not many interviews you hear today a call for the reinstatement of GLass Steagal act either.

Stockman is a voice that needs to be heard loud and clear, as he is spot on.

Regards, Kirk


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GOLD Site Supporter

Nothing new? A Regan "knight" telling like it is, during an election year. Both partys and the country have clearly been hi jacked by the "Banksters" and other than Ron Paul I hear nothing of the sort being said. Stockman connects the dots in a way few would have on their own. Not many interviews you hear today a call for the reinstatement of GLass Steagal act either.

Stockman is a voice that needs to be heard loud and clear, as he is spot on.

Regards, Kirk

Never mind the fact clearly stated his idea that trickle down economics was a failure hence Reagan turned away from it pretty quickly. In reality though Reagan or even Goldwater would be considered moderate or RINO today as the Republican party is the extreme right wing while the democrats are pretty much centrist. If Reagan was alive today he might acutally rejoin the Democratic party.


Master of Distraction
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OK, Nothing new to me. ;)

Yes the message needs to get out there but I'm not sure anyone wants to hear it. :(


New member

Not many interviews you hear today a call for the reinstatement of GLass Steagal act either.

Once the dust settles from the Great Reccession, history will show the repeal of GS to be the worst decision ever made by the "most deliberate governing body in the world".


New member
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Once the dust settles from the Great Reccession, history will show the repeal of GS to be the worst decision ever made by the "most deliberate governing body in the world".

Well at least we agree on that Kane, that repeal of Glass-Steagell is basically was the straw that broke the camel's back. To bad no leader coming or going has the guts to bring it back since most are owned by the money that gets them elected and feeds them once they leave public office.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Fuel for the fire that burns with the occupy Wall Street crowd as well. Fuel for Ron Paul as well I am thinking. Hope lots of folks saw this. It exposes the truth about Wall Street. Neither party is dong any thing about it. Both are taking huge sums of money from the finacial industry. 2+2=4?.............Looks like the gubbermint and those who run it are OWNED buy the Banksters, the now generic term for those who ruined our finacial system since GS was repealed. We otta run the bums out of the country, but now we put them in charge!:hammer:

Regards, Kirk


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Fuel for the fire that burns with the occupy Wall Street crowd as well. Fuel for Ron Paul as well I am thinking. Hope lots of folks saw this. It exposes the truth about Wall Street. Neither party is dong any thing about it. Both are taking huge sums of money from the finacial industry. 2+2=4?.............Looks like the gubbermint and those who run it are OWNED buy the Banksters, the now generic term for those who ruined our finacial system since GS was repealed. We otta run the bums out of the country, but now we put them in charge!:hammer:

Regards, Kirk

I agree and it is due to the fact we have a two party system where our only real choice is the lessor of two evils. I also got jumped on when I stated the Conservatives SCOTUS said Corporations have the same rights as people was due to Conservative activist judges . Now those chickens are coming home to roost and that should work out well for the new world order too..