Jeanclaude Spam Banhammer
A long time ago, in an old house far, far away, I had quite a mouse problem. I tried everything -- all kinds of traps and exterminators, but I just couldn't get rid of the little buggers. One day, I went back to the old standby spring trap and used Grey Poupon. It worked almost instantly! As soon as I set the trap, one of the bastards ran out and "Wham." Scratch one mouse. I did it again and the same thing -- me: 2, mice: 0. I fervently set loads of traps with Grey Poupon all over the house. I was setting them outside when my neighbor came home and saw what I was doing.
"That work?"
"Like a charm." I answered proudly.
"Pardon me. Would you have any Grey Poupon?" He asked. "I'm gonna give that a try." We chuckled a bit, and I gave him what I had left of this magical mouse magnet.
A few weeks go by, and I'm out setting more traps, and my neigbor comes over to thank me. Now he's a pharmaceutical sales rep, and me being follicly challenged, he gives me some Minoxidil lotion as a token of his appreciation.
That was the day I mustard baited and got hair balms.
Ba dum bum. Tssssss.
You may commence groaning.
"That work?"
"Like a charm." I answered proudly.
"Pardon me. Would you have any Grey Poupon?" He asked. "I'm gonna give that a try." We chuckled a bit, and I gave him what I had left of this magical mouse magnet.
A few weeks go by, and I'm out setting more traps, and my neigbor comes over to thank me. Now he's a pharmaceutical sales rep, and me being follicly challenged, he gives me some Minoxidil lotion as a token of his appreciation.
That was the day I mustard baited and got hair balms.
Ba dum bum. Tssssss.
You may commence groaning.